Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Washing/Drying/Et Cetera-ing...

POST-BATH PRE-CLOTHES... OK I'm writing this in a hurry... was unable to post anything last night as fast asleep in post-shopping-for-deodorant-etc exhaustion coma...

Many thanks for all your messages of support. I've not been able to check every one yet as at the present moment I'm rather hurried between just having bathed (woo!), washing clothes in the one local laundrette (that's a laundromat to you Americans) with a spin-dryer (saves a fortune on the dryers!) I painstakingly shaved this morning... actually that's not the right word. Painstaking implies care. My experience was painful, impatient, full of mental negativity and physical blood from my chin.

But the usually-surly man at the end of my road said hello to my fresh-faced self this afternoon... plus I look nearly ten years younger... so maybe it was worth all the effort after all...

All this costing me a tenner I would otherwise have donated to my usual cause... feels so very unusual..!

Anyway, once clothes done (my hair washed, face shaved, clothes will be clean and dry including dirty old winter coat) I shall be ready about two hours ahead of time... wow!

I have the address, the main (ie business switchboard for important people not just bigots who want to spout off on air) telephone number and can get there on one single bus plus a ten minutes (tops) walk.

Barring earthquake or terrorist attack I SHALL BE THERE. Prattling in the mike about whatever floats their broadcasting boat...

yeah I still have very %skewed% glasses, my teeth are brown (at least they are THERE; unlike many a junkie I could mention)... and so on and so on. Right I'm off. If I don't dash back some particularly desperate person (well they really would have to be) might steal my clothes from the soon-dormant washing machine!

Video of the Day:
Gabriella Cilmi: SWEET ABOUT ME
Have a listen... this is one of the great songs of the year!


  1. I wish you the best in your endeavor. Ah I remember the days of going to the laundromat as a newlywed.

  2. I wish you well today and look forwrd to hearing how you got on :-)

  3. Hey: the "romance" of those hypnotically turning machines... the clogged up soap dispenser... the VITAL spindryer (that stupid people don't realize saves about 50% dryiing costs...)

    hey I went to your blog and recommended THEE alltime classic picturebook (my memory was sparked by a recent radio discussion; but this is literally the ONLY picturebook I recall from early childhood):~

    WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE... it's an absolute classic and you must get it for your little girl...

    if i recall rightly the main character's called Max or am I crossing my strawberries..??

  4. Hi Sally
    you must have commented literally as I was answering Patti above as you weren't there to be seen before I prest return on my answer to her...

    many thanks!!

  5. I hope it all went well!

  6. Well, good luck! Hope it all went well. I'm sure you look lovely indeed.

  7. Good luck!

    Just don't smile unless you are standing next to someone who's British.

    ...or in front of a yellow wall.

    And remember all the lies I told you to should be fine!

  8. Whooo hooo!!! Your going!!! it made my day reading this post Gleds, hope it went well, look forward to reading all about it soon. Well done

    Just wondering if I would look 10years younger if I shave...Perhaps not!!

  9. Hope today went well. I'm sure it will have done and you'll be a star by now!! x

  10. Good luck, I Liked your video of the day, seemed like a bit of a toned down Amy Winehouse but it certainly is a catchy tune.

  11. You will be there or have even returned by now!!!! This post has made my day - thanks Gledwood!Already there have been positive rewards for your decision :)

  12. Good Stuff! I hope all went well and I am looking forward to reading how it all went, bent out of shape glasses and all. Hey, it's more interesting than looking like someone out of a gap add anyday!


  13. Showered, shaved and all shined up...go get 'em Gled!

    (And use a bit of baking soda when brushing teeth...will help with brown staining)


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