Sunday, April 20, 2008

Howard Hughes

ANYONE SEEN THAT Martin Scorsese film, The Aviator, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the "eccentric" pilot-cum-airline boss cum film producer?
I woke up from marathon sickbed slumber right in time for its 8pm start... and watched rivitted. Howard Hughes and I are cut from exactly the same cloth.

I shall have to tell more tomorrow as I'm about to be timed out. Hope y'all had a great weekend out there folks, wherever you may be...

... speak more tomorrow...


  1. We saw that movie a few years ago when we were visiting a friend of ours in Bath. Vincent really liked it. I think I fell asleep somewhere in the middle. I just don't like Leornado di Caprio.

  2. Leonardo and Howard don't look anything alike. I'm tired of Hollywood actors, anyway.

    Am looking forward to your post tomorrow . . .

  3. Yes, I did see it. Thought it went on too long, to be honest. Look forward to reading you tomorrow on this, Gleds. x

  4. I’ve watched The Aviator several times. Matter of fact, I have the DVD in my computer now.

  5. I think I fell asleep watching it.

  6. I liked it ok, but the Movie "Melvin and Howard" was the one I liked best about a controversial Mormon Will. Jason Robard plays Hughes...did you know Robard was Howard's middle name??

  7. Nicole: Never having seen or met Howard Hughes I can't rate his performance for verisimilitude-type stuff... But my first thought on seeing the guy and one I never satisfactorily resolved to myself: I'm not sure di Caprio had the gravitas of a billionaire

    Welshcakes: I thought it was too short! And just finished; stopped... DEAD for no seeming reason... I could have watched at least another 4 hours ... it was only about 2 hours long. Far too SHORT to my mind! I loved the ancient moviestars like Hayworth and Hepburn... and the music, like Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade... I was entranced!

    I know they don't look anything alike even WITH the best hair, makeup, lighting a £20 million+ production can buy...

    I hope my today's post lives up to all these expectations..!!

  8. Nick: don't YOU think it is far too SHORT? Hey are there any jazzy extra bits on the DVDs? Do please tell me!!

    Vi: I actually stayed awake the entire time throughout which is Seriously Unlike Me..!!

    never heard of that Melvin and Howard one and no I didn't have a clue about the middle name.... hey but did YOU know that the thicko Michael Jackson took to wearing surgical masks after an associate informated him "you're just like Howard Hughes"
    "Who is Howard Hughes. Get me a book on him," said the barely literate Jackson.
    "Get me a video on him," said Jackson, soon as the over long and not-in-large-print and without 50%+ illustrations Howard Hughes biography arrived....
    ... yeah anyway THAT is partly meant to blame for MJ's ridiculous masks, finger-plasters and other deliberate weirdness... all the stuff that backfired so spectacularly against him once those paedophillia allegations took on momentum...

    (poor imbecile Michael Jackson... one day someone's gonna make a fantastic life about HIM! that will make a brilliant watch!)

  9. it's well worth seeing. well PERSONALLY i think so ~ but loads of ppl disagree, as you can see~!!


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