Friday, May 16, 2008

The Antidepressants

I GOT PRESCRIBED "MIRTAZAPINE 30mg nocte" which means one pill at night. Almost felt too frozen-up to bother going to the doctors at all and had to vanquish the desire to flee at several points in the waiting room. I took it last night and yes it does make me dream (this did swing the decision on whether or not to bother asking for it, I have to admit but it's not the ONLY reason). As for being exhausted the dr said this is only normal if you are depressed. Mirtazapine is also known as Zispin in the UK & Ireland and Remeron in the US and some other countries. I have been trying not to be sulky and peed-off all week but cannot keep it up. But why take even MORE chemicals when I'm addicted enough as it is (mirtazapine is supposedly non-addictive btw)? "To address the despair underlying and resulting from my drug addiction."


  1. I just hope it helps - and doesn't make you gain weight.
    Mine did and no one told me until almost 20 lbs later.
    Yeah, i'm a "bit" slow!

    Fell better dear Gleds!

  2. I do so hope it helps Gleds, I want you to feel better. x

  3. I hope it is working for you too!

  4. Hope it makes a difference Gleds and lifts the despair soon and that you see the light at the end of the tunnel soon xx

    All the best Auds

  5. Oh Gledwood I wish there was something concrete all us virtual pals could do . . .feel better matey.

  6. Wishing the very best for you Gledwood!!!

  7. Hi Gledwood, just discovered your blog and I'm impressed, both because it is corageous to come out with your addiction and because you seem to be very sound of mind in spite of that. I've given you a link and hope you'll reciprocate. ciao and best luck

  8. hi Gled!!!
    i haven´t got much time latelly, so that`s the reason i haven`t write here.
    i remember taking those same pills,and i must admit that they are a really powerfull drug, it putted me asleep for almost a day, so i stopped taking...
    but i hope you`re feeling better and less tired!!! kisses!!!

  9. Hi Gleds ~~ I hope the new pills
    help you feel better and you may not need them for too long. I do hope you
    soon will feel happier and less tired. Take care, my friend.
    Very Best wishes, Merle.

  10. You did the right thing by going to the doctor. I do hope the tablets improve your outlook. Feel better soon!

  11. I hope the pills help you mate. For some reason I didn't know you were depressed. maybe cuz you don't really sound it through your blog. You actually sound rather happy usually I think.

  12. Dear Gledwood,
    I found your post on an old blog of mine (something to do with Ann Coulter.)

    My brother died of a heroin overdose and I found him that day... he was my precious baby brother. He died way too young -- in his 30's.

    I am sober 13 years through spiritual surrender. The most amazing years of my life. I pray you find peace..

  13. HiThere~~
    Good luck with the pills and all..
    Your sites are fun to see...
    oh the little critters are soooo-ooo darling and a salmon bagel breakfast- the best(:)
    happy days~!!! Patty

  14. HM Monogram: actually I HAVE had raging hunger for MORE smoked salmon bagels... ran out of lemons AND cream cheese... actually, and bagels, and salmon.... hmmm

    Akelamalu: no news yet...

    Mommy & A: I hope it does start working. Did last time but I've found those pills 2b v uneven things

    Auds: long as the light is not an oncoming train... (wah-waaah!!)

  15. Baino: speaking of jars... I have heard that Marmite/Vegemite is good for the old brane...

    Anon: ta!

    Miss W: cheers! lemme click on you for a moment

    Sofia: actually maybe I AM less tired. maybe it's just bc I didn't go out for 3 days~ haha!

  16. Merle: I hope so I have been spending days not bothering to go out then I do go out and it's roasting

    Nicole: cheers

    Vincent: I try my best!!

    Lydia: I'm sorry about your brother. I know loads of people who are no longer with us :-<...

    Attic: salmon bagels rule~!!

  17. I can certainly attest that depression exhausts one. I was once exhausted for 3 years.


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