Thursday, September 25, 2008

Will It Ever Stop?

BLUBBLUBLBUBLUBLUBBBbbbbbb.... Crying all the way home. Raining my own thunderstorm.

I often think people's lives are like storms. All that clash-banging and passion and fireworks bright enough to light up the night.

But it's all over, a bit of wreckage aside, the world slips calmly back into place almost as if none of it ever happened.

Which again begs the point: why?

Why is any one of us born, just to die again?

And why do we spend so much of our lives just hurting others when we could make piece and mend walls and make it BETTER??

SKIN: Nothing But


  1. I thought it was very apt when I scrolled to the bottom of your post and it said:

    0 Answers.


  2. Cycles of misery.

    We seek to pass on our hurt tenfold, a bit like the vengeance of Cain, and so the cycle continues and accelerates.

    It only ends we learn to rise above it and let the buck stop with ourselves.

  3. Sorry to hear about your friend, Gled. Hate to point out the obvious, but maybe there's a lesson in there for you. Everytime I go to click on the link to your blog I wonder if you're still there...

  4. Wow. In yesterday's post I spoke of thunderstorms as an analogy for my own life. I ask myself the same questions as you do everyday. Just keep in mind, given the right angle and outlook, life can be a very wonderful thing. I think you know that ;)

  5. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Yes I do have Borderline Personality Disorder and usually people are not told they have it (in Canada). Sorry to read about your friend. I take prescription drugs to cope with life so I can't say I have any answers to the big Why question. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other (when I'm not napping).

  6. When we are born we can choose either to make a difference or not.

    I'm sorry you're still crying Gleds, but crying is not a bad thing. Crying cleanses the soul and can make a lot of difference to you life if you let it. You can make a new start. x

  7. Hi Gleds

    Thanks for visiting my blog. No - I haven't read Franz Kafka's novel "Amerika" - I presume it's a good read then?

    >And why do we spend so much of our lives just hurting others when we could make piece and mend walls and make it BETTER??<

    A good question! I came across a true story earlier, called "The Sandpiper" by Robert Peterson. It's a little long, so I have posted it on my blog if you would like to read it.

  8. Your storm analogy is a good one, and yours WILL calm, Gleds.

  9. I used to listen to Lou Reed when I felt like you do right now. Helped. Now I do yoga. Man, I'm getting old...

    I don't think there is a perfect answer. Let's just say life would be boring without a few storms.

  10. Dammit. I can't think of anything to say and given my experience I should be able to console. See, if you were closer, I could give you a mumsy hug, go there, there, let you vent and . . just let it out. Look in the mirror and be! Just remember after the storm is that eerie light when the sun tries so hard to poke through and sunbeams and heavy clouds. You are here, whether you like it or not, so make the most of it. I feel for you, really I do.

  11. Thanks for the answers everyone ;->...

  12. great embedded video: skin - nothing but. Thanx.


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