Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Hate Sundays

SO MANY WORDS AND NOTHING TO SAY... Was just reading over what I spewed yesterday. Blah blah blah!

I hate Sundays. Nothing ever is doing. Somebody gave me some sleeping pills so I took them (at night) and couldn't even get zonked out. I don't know why being tolerant to a totally unrelated family of drugs should affect the response in this way but it's what I hate most about being an addict. The feeling that I can take so much of any poison I'm practically immortal.

Also I feel ill all the time. Maybe I have a fever. I am sweating so bad. Sneezing etc etc. Neither methadone nor heroin seems to be helping me.

Got to go I have the Limpopo river running down my back... I really need a shower....


  1. Yeah, I don't know why, but I'm always feelings like shit on some level health wise. I get way sicker on a more regular basis, and I don't know why. I mean, opiates aren't like beating my immune system into submission, haha (I'm kind of imagining them as sumo wrestlers in my mind...). But I know what you mean.

    Sundays are terrible. Mostly because it means school tomorrow, unless we get another big snow storm tonight. = )

  2. You always have so MUCH to say. Peace baby.

  3. Ahgghghghhhh I though you were sticking to the Methodone too! Prolly just a cold. Stay distracted and crack on with the book.

  4. Oooh, sounds like flu, Gleds...Hope you don't succumb. Keep well.

  5. Lucinda: snow? you got real snow in NJ? wow!!

    don't get addicted to heroin. when you do everyone says the same thing... for years on end you never get a cold... except if you do it's a really severe one that drags on for weeks :-<...

    MFiler: thank you

    Akelamalu: never really stopped quite as successfully as I'd have liked...

    Baino: I misread what u said there & thought you said "stay distracted with crack on the book"... as in pipey variety... see I even got crack on the brain now too :-<...

    Pussinboots: i borrowed money mid-evening and the heroin that got sorted me out absolutely fine I felt fantastic Not High but just really really like the sharp edges had been knocked off the world... & I'd been feeling NOTHING BUT SHARP EDGES ALL DAY...

  6. Dude, we always get snow in NJ! We have mountains that people ski on and everything! = P We've gotten like 8 inches in total this weekend.

    Yeah, I will remember not to get addicted to heroin.

  7. really... I always saw New Jersey as a sort of urban offshoot of New York City ;->...


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