Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I wrote out an explanation

I WROTE OUT AN EXPLANATION for what I was doing, why last night... I am not in the mood to post it. It needs tidying up and I'm not in the mood for flicking back and forth between notebook pages jiggling words, honestly. I've been miserable all day and all I want to do is sleep. Nothing's connected with nothing. Nothing leads to nothing. Nothing's ever enough...


  1. That sounds desperate Gleds, are you OK? :(

  2. Maybe this will cheer you up a bit...

  3. Chin up Gledwood. Hopefully you are able to view things from a different angle tommorrow.

  4. Don't worry 'bout nothin, cos nothing works out. Hold on to somethin' til something works out!

  5. Gets like that sometimes, Gleds. You'll come through it though...just hang in there.

  6. We all have bad days. You can get through it.

  7. Dear Gleds ~~ I hope you are feeling better by now. Life gets difficult at
    times, but we somehow, wait a while and things get better.
    Thanks for stopping by to say Hello.
    You don't have to do that meme thing
    so just forget it and don't let that worry you. It took me quite a while to think up the 10 things I posted.
    Just concentrate on getting well, my
    friend. Love and best wishes, Merle.


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