Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sloomy Gloomy Rainy Sunday

IT'S A RAINY SUNDAY with repeats all over the TV and I didn't want to get out of bed except a craving for a cup of tea and cig with new vanilla Hobnob creams dragged me to the shops. Basically I can't wait to get back to the safety and shelter and my half a bottle of methadone left. I'm avoiding the world today!

Here's a tune that keeps going round my head:

Richard Marx: Hazard


  1. Wow - that's an old one. How did that get in your head? I recall the tune well but the story was totally gone.

    Geez - I was the age my kids are now. I'm not sure what happened in between.

  2. Tomorrow is another day Gleds. x

  3. I remember that Richard Marx song. I rather like his voice. As for rainy days...good days to curl up in bed with your favourite bikkies and a good book.

  4. I don't particularly like weekends. I don't know why I feel "lost", but I do (Saturdays are my worst day - used to spend them with my Mom). Rain just makes it that much worse. Just surrender to it and know that the sun will, once again, rise again.

    I love Hobnobs. We have them here.


  5. Who killed Mary? I never figured it out...I like rainy days because that means I don't have to do anything
    constructive [that's how I psych myself out].

  6. Jeannie: I remember Tiffany (remember her??!?) saying Richard Marx was her favourite singer and the magazine having to put his American stardom in brackets... this was probably his only UK hit and the only one I remember. Quite a hit tune, don't you say..? I've no idea what the plot's about. is it from a film...?

    I know that thing about being the age they were... now. Strange how music's stayed current over the past 20 years in a way it had not really done between the 60s and 80s. I mean, kids nowadays seem au fait with Michael Jackson and Madonna and even Abba, acts that were peaking before they were even born. But to me aged 14 in 1987 when Madonna's True Blue was out, and Bon Jovi were topping the charts, the 60s ~ with that gormless dollybird look seemed a different time and, Beatles and Rolling Stones aside none of us in my class at school could really have named very much about the 60s at all. In fact I'd say Simon and Garfunkel werer probably the biggest, least-dated 60s remnant at that time...

    Akelamalu: aye, you're not wrong there. It feels like another dimension today let alone "tomorrow"... I slept so so so LONG..!

    Puss-in-Boots: aye which I did... and slept and slept and slept like you WOULD NOT BELIEVE (specially as no drugs were submerging me down...)

  7. Debs: rainy days really can be melancholy... nothing doing nothing doing nothing doing doing doing...

    Anon: I'm already listed on Google etc but thanks for the message/spam/// how did you get my url???

    My Daughter's Addiction: aye I'm with you there, too!!!!


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