Friday, February 20, 2009

Feathery Friday: I Love Lorikeets

I NEVER EVEN KNEW what a "rainbow lorikeet" was till I saw loads of them on Bimbimbie's blog ...

(Bimbimbie means place of the birds in the native Queenslander Aboriginie

This one, called Eric, is mad about this ball...

And here's a huge flock of them, with sulphur-crested cockatoos

Last but not least, here's (wild) lorikeet "courtship" in Sydney, Australia


  1. They are beautiful aren't they Gleds, we're so lucky to have them although when they're in the tree tops, they're totally invisible although you can always hear the noisy buggers. Same with the cockatoos, they're deafening when they're on a roll. I'm looking out of my window at the moment at two King Parrots all emerald green with red flashes munching on the pods in my carob tree! I never tire of them.

  2. o I know those king parrots they are v beautiful

  3. We have heaps of loris, Gleds and they wake us up in the mornings with their quarreling. Very noisy gregarious birds and very friendly, too.

  4. it must be so amazing having those flapping and chortling and cackling wild in the back garden ;->...


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