Saturday, February 07, 2009

Furry Friday on Saturday (#2)

MONKEYS: not my favourite furries by any means, but take a look at this apparently 100% true and not faked-up footage of a mini monkey riding his mini-motor-bike down the street in Jakarta, Indonesia...

Monkey Motorcycles! - Funny videos are here


  1. Wow! That clip brought back a long forgotten memory of seeing monkeys ride little motorcycles like that around in a circle at a circus I attended with my grandfather. I could not have been more than 5 years old at the time.

  2. I'd never heard of monkeys riding bikes... so they actually went out and made/bought the lil gizmo for that chimp?...
    I've seen grownups riding those teenybikes you can get up & down local roads but nothing like this...

  3. He he the little monkey has better skills than the local lads here on their trail bikes*!*

  4. Please do tell me that story...

    Oh, and you could offend me anytime, and I can get angry, feel bad, get over it, and still read your blog.

    Don't worry about being offensive.

    I still want to hear it!!

  5. That is so cute! Thanks for that furry goodness!

  6. That's horrible. If you look closely, he's on a LEAD being dragged along! Although he seems to have a little traffic sense! Adam has a 'teenybike' it's called a "Pocket Bike" looks absolutely ridiculous and the thing spends more time in bits than working

  7. BIMBIMBIE: that's true I've seen adult humans riding mini motor bikes and they don't half look stupid. The bikes are also really loud with seemingly no silencer at ALL!!!

    ANNA GRACE: OK I will print it here but let you know at yours it's for you if that's OK

    DAVID: I found out about it from the TV

    BAINO: I KNEW there had to be some spoof/stooge/wrong thing going on there it just seemed to mad to be true that one

  8. Like BAINO, I see animal abuse there.

  9. I'm watching again as we speak... I can't yet see the lead but I see yanking. It did seem suspicious how he rode in a straight line then constantly fell off like that (how come never injured? Maybe monkeys are better-built than humans...)

  10. I rather suspect that, since monkeys live in trees, they are better at recovering from a fall than we humans!


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