Friday, March 20, 2009

Mouse Murderers

MY EVIL LANDLORD'S HENCHMAN and a Council Officer came knocking round (had to knock as half of us have disconnected doorbells already) demanding an inspection. The "furry baby mouse" mentioned yesterday's apparently an intrepid explorer and has been setting off horror, shock and alarm downstairs. He's so tiny and cute and I practically grabbed hold of him by the tail yesterday night.

Apart from that no news to tell. Spring has sprung. Outside, the weather's beautiful. Inside it's dismal and I'm sleeping a good 12 hours a day.

HOME LEVITATION ~ how to levitate.
The foot furthest away simply goes up on tiptoe.
Sorry if a useless advert runs first. It did for me the first, but not subsequent times I saw it. Should be over in about 17 seconds...

Levitating Magic Trick (Its A Doddle!!) - Watch the best video clips here


  1. Did the little mouse get away?

  2. O yeah it hopped off the table and pinged along the clothes drying rack...

  3. Oh I hope they don't get him. Be strong little fella!

  4. Wait...doesn't your landlord need to give you 24 to 48 hours notice that he or she needs to inspect your place? When my roommate and I signed our lease, one of the agreements was that our landlord had to give 48 hour written notice if they should so choose to inspect our flat. Hopefully, though, all went well!

  5. Eileen/Reeny: aye!

    Bimbimbie: I hope so too!

    David: no! Because it's not a tenancy it's a 24 hour rolling licence and they've the right to come in any time of day or technically at night too!

  6. Wow - no notice? That sucks. My daughter's giving up her apt in a couple months. Property management announced to her once that they were taking new people through that night - she was home for the weekend and said no - she couldn't get there to clean up at all plus she tends to leave her jewelry lying around and didn't want it stolen. They were bitchy about it but couldn't force it. They'll get away with whatever they can if you let them but if you know your rights here there's nothing they can do.

  7. Did u look at cuteoverload?!? Huh Huh? Did ya?

  8. I once bought an old pickup that had a mouse living under the floor mats..he looked exactly like the one you have pictured.

    I left him alone because he wasn't hurting anything.

  9. I hope that the little mouse wasn't hurt or caught in a trap. Spring has sprung here too.

  10. That little mouse could breed, then you'll be overrun! :0

  11. ~ Aye I did look at cute overload; now I'm "following" it...

    ~ Aye I know it could breed. In fact I think they've bred already. I have at least 2. But tamer actually than Itchy when she's escaped!

    ~ Aye I want to keep mine alive. I don't want the evil landlord doing mousey slaughter

  12. I get mice occasionally (repercussion of having horse feed in the shed) but found one all squished and dessicated underneath a fallen guitar hero guitar! Poor thing must have got hammered when it fell!

  13. You are a kind soul, Gleds. Pissing down over here.

  14. Hi Gleds! It's been awhile but I'm back online and so excited to see one of my favorite bloggers still blogging on! I have a new handle now, but remember me? I used to be "Ain'tNeverScared"! :)


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