Tuesday, May 26, 2009


THIS WAS YESTERDAY'S "ACCIDENTAL OMISSION" ... Austria's most famous "tart" ~ Sachertorte:

It's very chocolatey, in a refined type of way:

It would go really well "mit einer Tasse Kaffee"...


You can gen up more about Sachertorte here ...


  1. Wow. You sure know your cakes. Vienna is a great city especially if you like art and architecture. The cakes are of course famous but I found the small cake shops in the Austrian country towns as good, if not better than in Vienna but they are all good.

  2. aye ... I wonder what the cakes in Switzerland and Bohemia are like ..?

  3. You seem to love good food - ever have a thought to learn more and become a chef or something?

  4. Vincent will be thrilled with this addition, he was crushed not to find it on your list! It's his favourite!

  5. Nice one Gled ;-)

    Sacher is the BEST! :-)

  6. Actually, we had sachertorte in the Hotel Sacher and it was very disappointing. Just a dry chocolate cake covered in icing . . gimme a Boston Mud cake anyday!

  7. Oooh, and I was just considering my diet and whether I could still make it to a "bikini-ready" state in a few weeks!! YUM!

  8. Jeannie: yeah! I don't think I'd thrive in a chronically busy kitchen, though...

    Nicole: Gott sei dank liegt es hier! (is that correct German?)

    Vincent: it certainly looks the best. I did nearly post it the day before as a "chocolate cake" but was somehow distracted by the great peaks-of-shavings one...

    Baino: I've never tried it, but the write-up on Wikipedia did sound a bit "grown-up" for me; unsweetened cream, nothing too elaborate. I like my cakes over the top and extravagant with icing and cream... (OR quite plain and really really well baked.) On the other hand I do like really bitter chocolate so maybe Sachertorte would do me...

    Terminally: you could try chocolate-flavour chewing gum... (if you can get it)

    all I know about the subject is that desserts and dieting do not mix at all ~ which is highly unfortunate, I know :-<...

  9. Looks great. I'd love a piece of that right about now.

  10. the Sacher Hotel, Vienna is said to be thee place to go. I'm sure they'd airfreight you a slice ~ at a price!!

    (I heard tea and cake costs about a day's wages in the konditorei so ordering a slice from overseas would probably cost about a year's ...)

  11. Nicole: Gott sei dank liegt es hier! (is that correct German?)

    Not quite... but it's difficult to say what you're trying to express. I'd probably say: Gott sei dank habe ich es doch hier aufgeschrieben!


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