Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Furry Funeral


I noticed over the last few days no midnight squeakings from the wheel. A hamster going off its wheel is like an Irish person going off drink ~ it's totally out of character.

Shortly after Bashful's death, she slimmed down and became little and runtlike just like her and Itchy. She stopped being so active and hobbled around. Also her senses faded, so that I could put in my hand and she'd jump out of her skin when finally she realized it was there.

That is quite a weird thing in a rodent. Rodents after all rely on their senses to survive the great outside ...

I know when hamsters are on the way out, so it wasn't a great surprise...

But this is the end of an era. I am now completely hamsterless.


THIS was Itchy, Bashful and Spherical when they were alive:

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  1. Sorry about Spherical going too. Even if we expect it, it's still so sad. Funny how we people can get so attached to other creatures.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Gleds m'dear. x

  3. Dearest Gleddy,
    So VERY SORRY to hear about Spherical. I do hope you will go out and get some more hamsters. They can't replace Spherical, but maybe they will make you less sad and take your mind off Spherical's passing some.

    You are loved.


  4. How sad ! It's a pity that these little critters don't live long.
    I came back from England, stopped in London for the day before I took the Eurostar home. One thing I noticed, the pubs smell bad because of the smoking ban and there are a lot of constructions and digging going on. I suppose that is for the Olympic games. Covent garden had a Michael Jackson imitator, that was really great !

  5. JEANNIE: indeed :-<...

    AKELAMALU: :-<...

    SB: I might get winter white Siberian ("Russian") hamsters. I had one before and one Campbells "condensed hamster" the winter white was very nice natured. The Campbells kept threatening to bite me ...

    GATTINA: There's actually less construction and digging than before the "credit crunch" ...

    ... smoking ban? Don't talk about it. I noticed a pack of Marlboros in one of your photos, so I suspect your views might chime with mine on THAT score ...

    ... you took Eurostar? Lucky you!

  6. Oh I'm sad to hear that. Your little hamsters became part of all our lives and your tales about them kept us entertained. The end of an era. for now. xx

  7. Hi Gleds, I'm sorry to hear about little Spherical Carrot Nose, she maybe missed her two little family members ... no matter how small a pet they always leave a big emotional hole in our hearts.

    I see you are thinking of Siberian hamsters ... you'll have to post a pici of what they look like*!*

  8. Aww, I can't help thinking that she might have been lonely without her little ping pals. So sorry . .

  9. I'm very sorry to hear this Gled :-( I hope she is now walking and jumping in the eternal fields of green, together with her previous mates.

    Not everybody appreciates this question so soon after their pet died but I'll ask it anyway: Are you thinking of caring for a few new ones?

    I hope you are doing well.


  10. So sad to hear the last of the pingsters checked out. Well you gave them a happy pingery while they were alive. Now they can move on to the next plane of existence as we all shall. If I had an ale, I'd drink a toast to the pingiest trotterdonkeys that ever lived.

  11. Aw, Gleds, I'm so sorry to hear about Spherical. No matter if you know it's coming, the loss of a friend, no matter how little, is hard. Did you give her a little funeral? I always hold one for my pets, from fish to sheep. Even if it's just a little stick cross in the woods, it helps me say goodbye. I hope you do get the Russian guys eventually, they would be fun to hear about. Hope you're well.

  12. LIZ: aye, but I posted up a mega googled picture collection today ... if I do get more hammies you'll be the first to know ...

    BIMBIMBIE: aye I will. Grey, twice as big and very sweet natured. Not flighty and pingy like robos, these actually don't mind being picked up ...

    BAINO: maybe she was, they don't naturally live alone in the wild ...

    VINCENT: yeah I might get Russian hamsters "winter whites". They a "dwarf" species but far bigger than robos. And much easier to handle. And social, unlike "normal" giant hamsters

    NELLIE: she's lying in state at the moment. The funeral will have to be very soon as it's high summer and hot hot hot, know what I mean ...

    MOLSON: Aye!! Spherical Carrotnose Trotterdonkey finally pinged to that big wheel in the sky ...

  13. So sad. I read today's post first. I will miss reading about dear Spherical. I really hope that you do get another one or two.

  14. I might well do so ...

    no decision yet tho ...


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