Friday, August 07, 2009

I Love Disney-Dogs!

I was glancing through a friend's blog, when I saw a really cute dog called Jake.

I love dogs like these, with shaggy beardy bits round their nose:

Just like the Pal With Marrobone Dog:


  1. I love all dogs except maybe pit bulls.

  2. My favorite dog is a Chow Chow.

  3. They're cute. My favourite dogs are cocker spaniels - we had one when I was a girl. :)

  4. Nice photo of the fox terriers. That was my family pet as a youngster. Don't know what made my Dad pick a fox terrier, but he loved that dog. The whole family did too. He was constantly pinging about. Like a 20 pound robo with pointy teeth and a beard.

    Sorry for not posting up much photos lately, but hopefully I made up for it with my latest post. Haven't had much time as I had to get busy moving. Now I live in a real crap hole and I'm not really liking it. Oh well next year I will move to the land of the pikas and not look back.

  5. I prefer Labradors although I had an Old English Sheepdog once. Now there's a shaggy canine. I'm not a fan of small dogs and as for lap dogs...yuk! Poor little things.

  6. Jeannie: the drug-dealers in my old house used to bring in pitbulls all the time. Totally illegal and unmuzzled.

    Stupid thing was I was heavily on drugs. Only not the boring old cannabis these nasties were selling.

    AD: a WHAT?

    Syd: aye

    Akelamalu: did King Charles have one? Or is that a different kinda "pooch"

    Molson: I once saw a whole family of wire fox terriers pinging in a park. Amazing

    PussInBoots: someone near me has a dog like a fuzzy black guinea pig. Haven't a clue what it is ...


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