Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Before The Weekend


I HAD THE WEIRDEST DREAM last night. That I was drawn into the most gigantic cave I've ever seen. A "cathedral cave" I think some people would call it. The entrance was over six storeys high and draped with what seemed to be amazingly patterned spiders' webs or dreamcatchers. You can see a dreamcatcher illustrated to the left. One of the hippie techno-trance clubs I used to frequent back in the "day" hung these all over the place. They're some Native American hocus that New Age types like to hang over their beds to "catch" the bad dreams or nightmares. But I have to say the one night I did spend under such a "catcher" I had the worst nightmares I had experienced in many a long year. This incidentally was the bed of an unnamed individual associated with the Hippie Trance Club I mentioned. At the club, incidentally, I think they were there to capture people's bad trips from the psychedelic "candy" folks were wont to imbibe there. (I distinctly remember a "designer" drug called 2CB was all the rage at that time.) I'm not sure that worked either ... the dreamcatchers not the 2CB ...

I can't remember too much about this dream, apart from the most amazing cave entrance... and once I got in there I discovered a wonderland too fantabulous for words ... Which is a neat cop-out, as I had the dream at about ten in the morning (I always dream heavily whenever I sleep in) and it's now past eight at night.

In other words I've forgotten nearly all of it. But I do remember it featured red London buses, international travel (within the cave) and a very trendy nightclub-type bar. Which is no connexion with the hippie trance party I mentioned earlier, as the bar there did hardly any business at all, except in bottled water. People who went there were far more interested in whooshing the night away on "E"s or trips ...

Now on to hamsters. People have asked, have I considered getting new ones? Yes I might get Siberian hamsters, or "winter whites" as they're sometimes called. Twice as big as roborovskis and about half as big as a "regular" hamster, these are social dwarf species who, unlike robbies, don't mind being handled and can get extraordinarily tame, if treated in a patient way ...

And that's about all I have to say. You can read more about Siberian hamsters in tomorrow's Furry Friday on Saturday ~ which comes online at midnight 01 hours local time ... that's about 10 or 11 am Australian time, and 7pm Eastern; 4pm Pacific for you Americans ... oh yeah and 1am in most of continental Europe.

Anyhow I must dash off now ... Cheerio for now!!/Ta-tar!! ...

Illustrated: a dreamcatcher; various caves; roborovski hamster; winter white Siberian hammy ...


  1. Interesting dream, Gleds. Quite a nice one though by the sound of it. However, I'm not going to analyse it because I don't know how. Doesn't matter anyway, if it was a good dream, it's to be enjoyed and missed when you wake to be disappointed to learn it isn't real...

  2. I love caves. We have some amazing ones about two hours drive from Sydney at Jenolan. I took my Irish friend there during the summer, they stay a constant temperature which was amazing considering it was about 40 outside! Go the hammies! They'll give you a reason to get out of bed sleepy Jean!

  3. PUSSINBOOTS: last night I dreamt I met Madonna who told me to dress up as her in a blonde wig for a "talent" competition. But as soon as it started I nearly got kidnapped by some gay men and Madonna was nowhere to be seen ... also I dreamt I was sleeping out in the next door neighbour's garden. Woke up with the radio playing (blah blah blahing the news) ... then woke up properly and realized even that radio programme I'd been listening to was yet another dream!

    BAINO: I luurve caves. When I was younger I wanted to go caving when I "grew up" ...

  4. I like caves too. Have been in a few. We have some that are open to tourists over here. Wonderful places. I remember how it felt to be in them. I wanted to go exploring.


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