Saturday, September 12, 2009



Famous for their iridescent colours ...

Hummingbirds are native to the Americas and are some of the world's smallest birds:

They feed on nectar from flowers ...

Their wings can beat at up to 20 times per second; they can hover in mid-air and fly at speeds of up to 54kph (34mph). Every year the tiny feathery swines migrate from North to South America, a journey of several thousand miles ... then back again! Which just doesn't look possible, considering their size ...

Can become quite tame ...

Look at those amazing feathers up close:

And the babies are very very tiny ...

... and the eggs are miniscule!


  1. Those are certainly beautiful birds. I have never before taken the time to really look at them. Thank you for giving me that opportunity, my dear friend.

  2. Hi Gleds I (finally) saw you'd commented on my blog....sorry it took me so long to notice...I can't see me blogging in the foreseeable future but if you're on Facebook you can track me down there. Hugs

  3. NICK: and you LIVE in America! Don't you get them in your garden..? Or are you in upstate New York, too far north ..?

    RUTH: aye I will. Lovely to hear from you!!

  4. Oh, Gledwood, I so wish that I still had a garden! None of my neighbors have gardens, either. We all just have very, very high fences. Sad.

  5. Hello, Gleds. I've never seen a close-up picture of a humming bird before and I didn't know they were so pretty!

  6. They're the darlings of the bird world Gleds. None here either but I have friends in America who install feeders. One who takes amazing photographs of these tiny things. Beautiful they are.

  7. Exquisite little wonders, they look as if they are awol from a lilliputian fairyland*!*

  8. Humming birds come into my yard and sip nectar from my garden flowers. They are so pretty with an iridescent green color, and their wings make a hum when they fly.


  9. NICK: ... but even if you HAD a garden, it's the wrong climate, right?

    WELSHCAKES: amazing! Like tiny kingfishers ...

    BAINO: I've seen those feeders. People string them on washinglines in New Mexico so the feathery swines can have a drink en route from N to S or vice-versa

    BIMBIMBIE: yes ~~from fairyland!!

    JANICE: I wish I could have that going on in my garden ...

  10. Those feathers are amazing. Beautiful colors.

  11. Wishing you a good week, Gledds.

    Great post!

    Love, SB.

  12. Hi there. I stopped by once before after you stopped by my crafting blog.. Beautiful photo's.. Just beautiful. I dont have a garden either.. Yikes.. Wish I did to see these beautiful birds during the summer.. My main blog is Happy blogging..

  13. These pictures are awesome, so beautiful. I live in the USA, my state is Michigan, we do have hummingbirds, I have a feeder out and three little hummingbirds come to it, I love those little birds.

  14. Oh the birds are so beautiful!!! Do u love pandas!
    here a great find for panda fanatic!
    Flor (

  15. Gleddy,
    Where are you? I am beginning to worry.



  16. SYD: I've never seen a hummingbird in the actuality ever in my life ...

    TWEETEY: cheers!

    MC: I would love to see an actual hummingbird ~ wow

    FLORES: Pandas?~~ yes how did you know?

    SB: I am fine I just fell over and had an encounter with a mysterious white powder ...


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