"Nobody Ever Got Published by Writing A Good Book" ~ well that gives me hope!
My Creative Writing teacher is called Dianne Doubtfire, who wrote what is by far the best how-to book for beginners, called The Craft of Novel Writing. Anyone looking for a good guidebook can do worse than read this. Unlike so very many others on the market it does not push the author's personal agenda and preferences. A rare gem indeed!
Actually another good one is Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande. Also very good.
By clicking on the above titles you can read the Amazon UK reviews. Dianne Doubtfire's book appears to be unknown in the USA (shame!); but you can read Dorothea Brande's reviews on American Amazon by clicking here.
Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft ~ it has been recommended to me several times but I haven't read it. I don't need another excuse to procrastinate my prose! All in all I would say these are the three best guides to writing, and this coming from a country where the "how to" industry regarding novel-writing and the like is still in its infancy compared to America where big colleges offer degree courses in the subject. Over here this would be considered a "soft subject" (ie an indulgent waste of time). Unless a student from the course produced a hit of Da Vinci Code proportions (The Davinci Code, incidentally outsold Michael Jackson's Thriller) in which case there'd be queues at the admission office door.
And you can read the 883 American customer reviews here.
Personally I feel all the advice I need has sunk in. And all I'm doing now is tinkering yet again with chapter one. (The first rewrite, done before the book hit the back of a closet three years ago was actually considerably worse than the original!) And wondering if and what manner of "sub-plots" I need to weave in. As I said before, this book is pretty much a ficitionalized memoir (which does not mean disguised autobiography ~ if I wanted to write a memoir I'd have finished scribbling out my own) so the plot is pretty much and then - and then - and then. I don't think I will ever be a master plotter. I like to consider myself a "novelist of character" and poor literary agents all around London will be laughing at that one, once the finished book is inflicted on them ~ hahar!
The writer's guide I really need is "how to write a synopsis that sells" (and there probably IS a book with this title but I don't necessarily mean it. I just mean the best guide to that particular subject. Because I got asked to do that when I tried to sell my ridiculous first novel. I won't tell you what it's about in case you fall off your chair laughing.
And on that note I'd better flee. I had the most shocking diarrhoea yesterday but it's all slurried out now. And I woke up bright and early this morning, watched Everybody Loves Raymond and Frasier (because they come on between 7:30 and 9:00) then put on Vanessa Felz on the radio and started scrubbing the floors. Just like my Mum does. She always does housework to the radio so I feel most grown up attempting to do the same. Well I'd better run before the morning's over. It's 10 to 11 as we speak ...
Illustrated: Dorothea Brande, Stephen King. No picture appears to exist online for Dianne Doubtfire ~ shame! And my 2 favourite characters from my book: "Polly wants a crackhead!" ~ my talking parrot. And Gwendolina the slavering hellhound. I can never find a picture that looks anything like her ~ she's meant to look something like a cross between a wild boar and a bear... And might even look cute, were it not for her ceaseless malevolent snarling ...
Still with the mystery coconut
Husband managed to find a photo of a pickle tray containing the mystery
coconut. Just to prove it exists.
It's green in this instance.
10 hours ago
Hi Gled! Just wanted to say hello. I've been hanging around in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the past few weeks and like it here. Am staying with a good friend of mine. Planning a short trip to Croatia from here and Trieste and Venice in Italy, since it's all about an hour away. Hope you're well and I'm always reading your posts, even if I don't manage to comment all that often!
I suppose selling the book to a publisher IS the next big hurdle once you've managed to write it. Kudos to you if you get that far. I've never got past about a page before I see that it's horribly stilted and I've already run out of ideas. They say to write what you know but I'm afraid I'm too oblivious. I think you have to be a people watcher - interested, curious enough to ask questions - to write good characters.
Just sending love, Gleddy. I hope your stomach gets straightened out.
It's not easy writing but then nothing worthwhile is easy is it?
Good luck with it m'dear.
I would like to find out how to write a good synopsis too. I have Stephen King's book and it is excellent.
Have you thought of joining a writers' group, Gleds? You get a lot of encouragement, support and constructive criticism from published authors. And tips on how to get published. Think about it, it may help you.
Best of luck with the project.
thanks folks. can't say anything else ~ about to be terminated (yet again)
Nicole: hi! I do drop by too but have been a bit silent of late
Jeannie: o yeah you gotta be a people-watcher that's for sure. They said the difference between Joan Collins's fictional attempts and her sister Jackie's was that Joan was so self-obsessed she never noticed much about other people, whereas Jackie spent her life watching and observing ...
SB: it's fine now, thanks!
Akelamalu: indeed it isn't. And if it weren't, the entire field would be even more crowded out than it already is ...
Puss-in-Boots: ever since you said that I've been musing about writers' groups. I think I'm going to get a 2nd draft finished and if it still causes problems, I'll go find a group!
But I keep wondering: are they full of old people? Is there lots of jealousy and competition? Is the "leader" a dashing, silver-haired retired army colnel and do clusters of would-be Catherine Cooksons and Maeve Binchy's cluster round him, hanging on his every word ... ?? Sorry, my imagination got going for a while there ....(!)
No advice on writing from me I'm afraid but at least you now have some good literary mentors and a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
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