Saturday, January 30, 2010



Nearest thing we have to living dinosaurs:

Here is a Nile crocodile, the largest reptile on earth (heavier than an anaconda), getting a dental checkup off a local bird:

The Indian gharial is a crocodile with a streamlined nose:
I think this one's a baby...

America has its own crocodiles, though the Americans insist on calling them aligators. Aligators are far smaller than Nile crocodiles and less evil-looking. They are even willing to appear in Jackass TV stunts:


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  2. Pretty awesome aren't they although I have to challenge you on the largest. They are in fact the Saltwater Crocodiles found in Northern Australia and southern Asia .. although frankly I wouldn't want to get close enough to compare sizes between and Aussie Salty and Nile Wildebeest muncher.

  3. hi guys so happy to be between you yayaay love the blog soo much ^^

  4. We have rather large crocs here, in the Northern Territory. The river banks are thick with these huge animals and when I went up there some years ago, I had nightmares for a couple of weeks about being chased by them. Scary!

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  6. Love the photos, Gledds. I think crocs are cute.

  7. We have a lot of alligators in SC where I live. They eat small dogs and children if given the chance. I give them a wide berth, especially the females with babies.

  8. I heard baby crocs get flushed down American loos and turn into fullsized aligators in the sewers!!

    Hang on Northern Saltwater Crocs are larger than Nile ones... my mistake!

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