Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big Brother Entertainment... and where are the neighbours?

I was looking for a picture of the Lynx Alaska "perfume" I've been wearing... only today did I realize IT is the reason I keep smelling FRANKINSENSE everywhere I go ~ it's on me!

But these trotterdonkey cats in the snow ~ real lynxes IN Alaska, look very cute.

It snowed YET AGAIN the other night. But was raining this morning. So I hope it doesn't freeze over again, else the streets will be fatal!

THIS year is the last ever Celebrity Big Brother, so the producers have pulled out all the stops to get some PROPER celebrities for a change (though on night one you can tell half are wondering who on earth the other half ARE!!!)

My favourites this year are Ivana Trump, who is far more down to earth than you'd expect and looks hilarious serving the other housemates dinner dressed in her minimum wage care worker costume and reading glasses... Stephanie Beacham (Dynasty, Seaquest DSV and innumerable others)... former footballing "hardman" Vinnie Jones pictured here famously tormenting Paul Gascgoine... and the American R&B star Sisqo who says "that lady is worth three-digit millions" and following Ivana like a lovesick puppy. All very entertaining.

VIDEO: Come and watch this ~ Ivana Trump dressed in pink and blue overalls as a carehome worker for Celebrity Big Brother... skivvying around serving other far lesser celebrities and former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, who seems to hate her... absolute classic!

This is absolute classic ~ seeing the multimillionaire socialite dressed in pink and blue overalls skivvying about serving other far lesser celebrities and former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss, who seems to hate her, as a care home worker as part of a game on the reality show:

Classic televisual entertainment ~ from the peak of Stephanie Beacham's career:
IT IS... Stephanie Beacham vs Joan Collins in...
The Alexis-Sable CATFIGHT!!

Stephanie Beacham as canal-boat dwelling Martha dating "boring" Ken Barlow in dowdy British soap Coronation Street:

I don't want to speak too soon, but my noisy neighbours have gone suspiciously QUIET... that can mean many things, but I hope it means just one... that they are NOT THERE ANY MORE!!



  1. Thanks for the furry animal post, Gledds. The lynxes are lovely. Celebrity Big Brother sounds great. I wish BBC America would show that series.

    Love you lots,


  2. Those claws! Unreal man.

    I hope your neighbours have effed off :-)

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  4. Ooooh! I have such a soft spot for beautiful "big cats" ... Okay, and house cats too :) You made me laugh out loud about realizing you are the one smelling of frankinsence... I do this sort of thing all the time for some reason :P

  5. OH! and how could I forget! I did not believe I would ever again hear from or see Sisqo, of "The Thong Song" fame (over here anyway, that was pretty much his only hit).

  6. They had Sisqo wearing a Borat-style mankini ~ that was hilarious, but before Ivana Trump came in the house...

    solar panels?

    I'm pretty sure the neighbours have gone. not a hide nor hair of them AT ALL since... 2 or 3 days ago

    bbc america probably won't show it as it's on channel 4 though you CAN see bits on youtube or let me find the address:

  7. here's the address:

    and Stephanie, Ivana and topless model Nicola T are comparing stories of when their children were babies, as of "one minute ago" according to Twitter

  8. I LOVE Lady Sovereign. She was out here recently for a rock festival and arranged a game of soccer with a local radio station, it was hilarious. She rounded up 11 rappers and musicians and beat the pants off the radio jocks and listeners. No Big Bro in Oz any more, we just got bored.

  9. ive been watching celebrity big brother my jaw just dropped when i saw vinnie jones!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!! i also like the swedish dude actually he is just so nice and polite i hope katia doesent break his heart. Lady sov came the the club i was working one night with a small posse i said u have to be searched she stepped aside and said ok and i said EVERYONE has to be searched inc YOU so i did she didnt seem happy about it but whatever lol


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