Friday, January 22, 2010

No More Maple Syrup!

MAPLE SYRUP is my now EX druggieworker (so named because she is foreign and I could never remember her true name). Over the year (though it feels like ten) that I was seeing her, she got more and more bullying, controlling and tyrannical ~ applying duress and stooping in the end to downright blackmail if I didn't submit to her way. We finally came to a brick wall where she refused to alter her position and I was determined that hell would freeze over before I gave in.

So today I went into the druggieservice and said "I need a new worker, I can't work with the one I've got any more."

And hey presto, within half an hour everything had been swapped over, with no fuss at all and no need for me to write personal diatribes explaining precisely WHY I will not tolerate being threatened, pushed around, why I can't talk to Maple and why I felt the need to TAKE HEROIN every time I went to see her ~ I mean if you need heroin to handle being in the same room as your druggieworker, that says a lot about them, or your relationship to them, doesn't it?

So onwards and upwards, I hope!

Sorry I haven't gone into more detail but I really can't stomach even thinking about Maple at the moment, let alone speaking about her dastardly actions...

... talking of old dragons ~ wasn't Bette Davis one of the best?
Here are some of her classic scenes from Death On The Nile...

... and talking of bitches, here's a really good Joan Collins/Linda Evans girl-on-girl punch-up from Dynasty's glory years...
(I think the dialogue's quite good, considering it's Aaron Spelling TV)

O I miss 1980s TV so much... this is what I used to eat dinners of Findus Crispy Pancakes and Heinz Potato Waffles to in those glamorous times. There's nothing like a good old catfight! Especially when Joan Collins gets a chunky-thighed male stunt-double!!


  1. Hope that the new one is an improvement. Have a good Friday.

  2. Joan Collins one of the original bitches :) Glad to hear you have your drug worker sitch sorted, it stinks when people that are in social work cop tudes' and talk down....

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Well I hope you can work with the newbie. I wish I had the gumption and fall back to drop my boss frankly! Love the catfights. I miss Dynasty but not the shoulder pads!

  4. I hope your new worker will be better. What is their purpose exactly? Are they supposed to keep you off the heroine?

  5. The druggieworker is sposed to "support and encourage" not BULLY AND DURESS... it got to the point where I was lying through my teeth, couldn't tell Maple anything. Just said whatever I thought she wanted to hear to get out of there as quickly as possible.

    The new one seems really sweet. Though I'm loathe to say anything too soon as I trust no-one nowadays!


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