Monday, April 19, 2010

Cairn/Imaal Terrier, Volcano Chaos, Liberal Democrats to Win!

I MET some Scottish people I know today and they said if I get a doggie I should go for a tiny terrier... like this golden cairn terrier pictured.

I know it's really sad but I still want a dog. Even though I shouldn't really keep one.

My only problem with a small dog would be, I would want to take it walkies everywhere I go, but would be compelled to leave it tied up outside supermarkets, druggieservice appointments etc... where I would be absolutely terrified the poor thing might get STOLEN. Doggieknapping is increasingly common these days. If I could, I would like to train the tiny trotter to curl up contentedly in a backpack with the zip half drawn... but knowing my luck, right in the middle of Morrisons the little swine would get the scent of freshly roast chicken, do a bound over the glass counter and start savaging the legs of the poor Indian gentleman who works there... Ooer!

The other sort of tiny terrier I like, in fact as small dogs go this these, in looks at least, are exactly what I think is cutest, are GLEN OF IMAAL terriers. Look at these tiny trotterdonkies here!

Bear in mind, before y'all accuse me of fickleness, that I said there are THREE types of doggies I like best. 1: large wolf-like dogs (Akitas) 2: medium-sized mop-head dogs (some water dogs, Disney-style mutt dogs) and 3: tiny terriers esp. Glen of Imaal or Cairn type. So there you have it.

And now we're on to the pesky Icelandic volcano that has brought flight chaos to the entire continent of Europe. Today the Royal Navy are cruising to Calais, northern France which if you're from faraway shores I suppose you wouldn't know is the traditional sea-gateway to Britain (via Dover)... where THOUSANDS of British businessmen, tourists, hen-and-stag partiers... etc etc have trekked by hire car, train (the trains are doing great business ~ you cannot get a Eurostar seat Paris-London till Thursday earliest)... one woman on the news even claimed to have spent 2500 Euros to travel in style from southern Spain to Northern France, where she is still stuck for lack of boat space...

This is all due to an enormous, mostly invisible (by the time it gets to British airspace) cloud of volcanic dust. Civil aviation authorities insist this dust could melt inside jet engines causing jumbo jets to fail and crash... and yet British Airways' chief exec, to name just one, claims to have been on an explorotary flight two hours into the Atlantic from London Heathrow in a jumbo jet... and NO DAMAGE AT ALL... which makes me wonder what's ACTUALLY happening.

All I do know is literally 100s of 1000s of people of all nationalities are stuck all over the globe unable to return home. Weddings are having to be cancelled... exams missed. Utter chaos. Not nice.

And all down to one irritable mountain over a thousand miles away!!

Here's some lovely close-ups of the eminently pronouncable Eyjafjallajökull spewing luminous tomato soup everywhere:

This report from Russian State television (in English)

And last but not least, in the current yawnsome general election SOMETHING INTERESTING appears to be happening at last...

Over the decades, British politics has transformed from a staunch class war, with hard left/hard right at it undoing years of one another's work in successive governments to a much more American-style system where the parties vary less on a communist-capitalist basis than a newer (to us) liberal-illiberal axis... People are totally and utterly fed up with New Labour, who amongst other things actually had the cheek to pass laws allowing motorists to be fined for parking violations weeks afterwards, if local councils happen to film the unauthorized parking on CCTV. I don't know why, because I don't even drive, but this really takes the biscuit for me. The relentless harrowing away at civil liberties. The sheer ignorance and folly. I think the librarians at the local library could do a better job of running the exchequer than that lot... Then there's ~ o man I can't even remember the smarmy git's name. Him. Posh Boy's conservative mob. Nobody really likes them. Their popularity was mostly an illusion inspired by protest against the status quo... Now something amazing is happening ... the THIRD PARTY, polyglot Nick Clegg's LIBERAL DEMOCRATS ARE IN THE LEAD! If this happens it will produce the biggest change in the political landscape for generations. It will all be for the worse, of course. But hey, at least it will be DIFFERENT for a CHANGE!

I have to say I do like Nick Clegg far more than Toryboy Smarmypants (still can't remember his name... o yeah DAVID CAMERON, that's him. Gordon Brown I cannot stand, as much because he cannot bear ever to be seen to be wrong, admit a fault or say he is sorry ~ and boy does that man have a lot to apologize for ~ and even though I disagree with many of his policies ~ e.g. "tax the rich". I want to be rich, and I don't wanna pay high taxes! I do hope in a way that they get in (it will have to be a multiparty alliance type govt anyway ~ Britain's first past the post election system, where the party is divided into constituencies, you vote for your local MP (never the leader) ~ the party with the most seats rules... all this will have to change in favour of proportional representation, which leaves the former top two sweating and weak at the knees...

WOW I can't wait for election day. I know the country's going to the dogs, at least it might go to Akitas and Glen of Imaal terriers now rather than pitbulls and staffs... know what I mean..??!?


  1. Cute terriers...but I'm a big dog fancier, you know, like Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds and the like.

    As for that volcano...I heard it has a partner that's likely to start blowing its top, as it did back in the 19th Century...and did so for two years! If that happens, we haven't even seen chaos yet!

    Elections, yeah, we have one this year, too. It seems like we have an election of some sort every year...from local govt, then State and finally Federal at the end of the year.

    I've become very cynical about altruistic reason or wanting to make a difference, more like how much will I make...pah!

  2. Wow that's a long post! You can train toy dogs to sit and stay. There's a guy near where I work that has a little something or other and it sits in a milk crate attached to the back of his bicycle quite happily.

    I know a few people who have been stranded due to the volcano too. Better to be safe tho I just hope it calms down before I go to Paris in September!

    Sorry, can't comment on the election. I haven't a clue about British politics . . then I guess politicians are the same the world over.

    Nice to hear you sounding shite and briny!

  3. Hiya, Gledds. My boyfriend has a cairn terrier. It is a really sweet, cute, and smart little dog.

    Hope all is well.

    Love you lots.


  4. Those short legged fuzzy terriers look like walking floor mops.

  5. I like the Cairns. They and the Norwich terrier are my favorite of the terrier (terror) breeds.


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