Friday, April 23, 2010

Norfolk Terriers


Norfolk terriers are the tiniest furry-mop terriers you can get...

They are almost the same as Norwich terriers, which at about 5kg are just as tiny ...

... the difference being that Norwich terriers have ordinary perky ears, whereas Norfolk terriers' ears are lopsy-down...

In case you are reading this on faraway shores, by the way, Norwich is the capital of Norfolk county ~ hence local names for very similar doggies...

The Norwich ones remind me of my late hamster, Baby Itchy Roborovski, who was the tiniest one, with perky-up ears and a bashed-up looking coat from all the compulsory licking and grooming the bigger two roborovskis put her through!

The tiny terrier puppies are, of course, really charming and cute..!



  1. I think that one of these would be a great companion for you. I know a couple of Norwich terriers that are great dogs. Very much like Toto in the Wizard of Oz!

  2. Was Toto a Norwich terrier?
    I am not "supposed" to keep pets (the council told me) ~ but never signed anything to that effect. So I'm trying to think of a way, if my place is pristine and the dog small that it might be possible... y'know..?

  3. Gledds,
    These are cute dogs. I think Toto was a cairn terrier.

    You have a cheery weekend, too!



  4. Love the puppies. mastiffs are a huge handful though! but too precious.

    Off topic: have you tried suboxone-after-methadone as a method of detoxing? Ive heard a lot of positive feedback.

  5. OOOOH! They are too sweet, too adorable! I love the little puppies!!!! I'm so grateful for pets, dogs and cats (yes, it's possible to be a "both" person; I am!). I have just one cat right now, but I love these dogs! I hope you can get one :)

  6. SB: I would really like to get a tiny terrier... if I could. And also train her (she-dogs are tinier and don't hump your leg) to do tricks ~ haha!!

    J: I went on subutex which is buprenorphine. If It is really good, but only for people who genuinely are ready to come off permanently. It is really easy to cut down the dose and you don't feel horrible. I wouldn't go on Suboxone if I had any choice in the matter though as it's just buprenorphine/naloxone mixture and I don't want the naloxone. Naloxone is supposed to stop you injecting (it will make you sick) ~ but I tried injecting subutex once and it was a big waste of time so I don't need a superfluous pharmaceutical incentive not to and do not want to take any unnecessary chemicalss into my body, especially on a final detox... know what I mean..??

    Tatyanna & Dorian: I used to far prefer cats because of their luxuriousness and independence. Now I would be better off with a tiny terrier as I am upstairs with no garden access, no chance of installing cat flaps and the tiny terrier would come with me every where and get exercise that way... I don't really like mastiffs. If I had a giant dog I would go for an American Akita female (less aggressive, y'know...)


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