Thursday, May 20, 2010

After the eye hospital...

I SLEPT FOR ABOUT 18 of the last 24 hours. Maybe I had sleep deprivation before, who knows? (I don't know and don't care.) My eye seems OK now. I still have to put drops in. I don't want to, but I have to. It is surrounded by scabs that I'm not vain enough to pick out (well I'm a drug addict, I don't care do I?)

If I hadn't been a contact lens wearer in years past (not vain enough to bother now: I'm old and clapped out so I might as well wear glasses too) ... if I hadn't been a contact lens wearer I don't think I could have kept my eye open through all the poking, prodding, dropping, shining and inspection it had to endure. Contact lenses harden you to this and break down barriers to unnatural acts (like drug injecting ~ not that much more repellent than contact lens insertion, surely?)

It is 7:25 hours. I have been up since about 3. I am not very happy.

I hope y'all like the picture of the dog. I found it by googling "bluey-green eyes"...


  1. Sorry about your eye - hurts like a bugger when something gets in there.

  2. I know, like Gattina said: far better to have a broken ankle (as if y'ever get the choice~!!)

  3. Cute photo of the dog. I hope that you get more rest and have a good day. Take it easy on yourself.

  4. Happy healing, Gledds.

    You are loved.

  5. Glad to hear the eye is getting better. :)

  6. No rest but it was a good day, thank y'all %-/...

  7. Just popped over to say hello from across the pond. Sorry to hear of your eye troubles. I hope things heal quickly...

  8. i THINK the eye is all right, now, thanks ;->...

  9. Hi
    I learn Spanish as a 3rd language and I will learn probably Russian as 4th. I don't have high expectations towards my Hungarian result. It is among my weakest subjects. Well, there are debates on the Hungarian language. Officially we are related to Finnish, Estonian, Ostyak, etc... but we share a lot similarities with Turkish languages. However genetics are an other issue.


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