Saturday, May 08, 2010

Chatterday Saturday: Quiz Time!

CONTINUING the theme of language, culture and geography here's a really easy quiz: study the picture carefully. (Each image represents the name of a country or the language spoken in it.) Answers in the comments box, please!

1: come on this is easy!

2: nowhere is named after a statue of a giant albino peacock, but there is a country called...

3: think about it! Name of a language...

3B: I thought you might confuse what's in the pot (question 3) with this ~ then I realized what a glaring omission I'd made by leaving this out... Come on! You definitely know this one!

4: OK we're starting to get more obscure. What is this item made of?

5: C'mon, think about it!

6: this is the meaning of a country's name

7: C'mon! You know this one...

8: This vegetable is really nice mashed up with black pepper and gravy in wintertime... Yes, and a nation name themselves after it!

9: Easy-peasy!

10: Last but not least... Very nice cookery is associated with this picturesque and mysterious land... and the national language is called...?



  1. Since you're studying (not only) German I'm gonna go ahead and leave my 2 cents in German ;)

    Erstens bin ich der Timon von kulturweit (aus Patagonien) und zum Thema ob man Walisisch spricht hier: Eher nein ;)
    Es gibt zwar südlich von Bariloche einige Dörfer die von Walisern gegründet wurden (Trelew soweit ich weiß und Esquel), allerdings spricht da kaum jemand noch Walisisch. Spanisch ist halt überall Umgangssprache.

    Zu den Ländern:
    Eins und Zwei hab ich. Ist ja auch nicht schwer ;)
    3 - keine Ahnung. Deutschland? Und was in aller Welt ist 3b???
    4 - Mittelerde? leather and metal? Fällt mir ja spontan Argentinien ein :D
    5 - Ich hätte ja China (rot) gesagt, aber das hatten wir ja schon ;)
    6 - the country I currently live in.
    7 ist einfach, aber
    8 - was ist das denn überhaupt? cabbage? kohl? potatoes? Beets? Beetroot? Root beer? mash? "Mashopotamia"? :D
    9 - got it.
    10 - nice ;)

    5/10 wenn ich richtig gezählt hab. Könnte besser sein...

  2. Aaaah!
    I think I just solved number 4. Go me!

  3. Good luck with your language studies, and getting your German up to snuff... I'm attempting to do the same with my Spanish and learning French...Your quiz looks like fun, too. I'm not sure how you found my blog, but thanks for visiting. Did you ever replace your Chambers after the first was stolen???

  4. This is fun, and I like your clue for Thailand :-)

    Many thanks for your comments, btw.

  5. THANK YOU for your comments so far folks!
    But please, someone, try and answer each one methodically

    Here's the answer form:


  6. Okay, I'll give it a go

    1 China
    2 Turkey
    3 German
    3B Greece
    4 Morocco
    5 Finnish
    6 Argentina
    7 Ecuador
    8 Swede(n)
    9 Iceland
    10 Thailand

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. O wow!... Not that I'm suggesting for a moment that you might have got one or two right ..!

    Come on everybody show you can beat her: answers on an electronic postcard, please!!

    Closing date, one minute to midnight Monday going into Tuesday ~ so we still have a day-&-a-0.5 to go...

    Best of luck everyone {;-0...

  9. Sorry e I forgot to answer your points.

    Good luck with the German: thanks. You sound like you're at the same sort of level as me (post higher school certificate) you're probably fihnding that unless you want to do specific business/legal/medical/whatever it's hard if not impossible to find textbooks because you've outgrown them. I started off reading German news magazoines, which are like Time/Newsweek crossed with Sunday colour supplements; then I got hold of a book I'd always wanted to read, which is a memoir of teenage drug addiction. Every single word I wasn't 100% sure of I wrote in a notebook in order with page references, and I copied it with its translation every time it appeared even if this involved repeating myself 40 times ~ this meant I had a handbook I could use to read the book back, referring page-by-page to every word I didn't know. This is what millions of foreigners do every year to learn English, so I consoled myself with that... Anyway after this my German has improved a LOT, in subtle ways, but it no longer seems so "foreign" ~ sometimes I find articles or videoclips online that I understand nearly every word of. I try to do some German every single day.

    What I really need to work on now is actively expressing myself. My written German is too bad for words... I think I'm going to have to start commenting on German blogs and hope the owners don't laugh themselves to death..!!!

    Did I ever replace the Chambers? NO! I use online dictionaries now, but I badly need a proper print version... Chambers is the only English dictionary I know that groups definitions etymologically ~ so you find bronchitis under bronchus. This gives a far better understanding of the root meanings of unfamiliar words, I have found. Also it's excellent for rare little words from Scots and dialect ~ I think that's why Scrabble players find it so indispensible.

    How did I find you? I can't remember whose blog it was, but I got curious and jumped out of their comments into someone else's, and I think I found you commenting there... and here I am ;-)...

  10. Okay, so drawing upon what Z said, here's my final lsit - if I'm allowed a second guess :)

    1 China
    2 Turkey
    3 Germany
    3B Greece
    4 Kuwait
    5 Finland
    6 Argentina
    7 Ecuador
    8 Sweden
    9 Iceland
    10 Thailand

    So as you can see, that list is almost identical to Zs with the exception of number 4 - I think the clue here is the material the book's made out of: leather, which is (bei Lichte betrachtet) cow hide. It's not a long shot to Kuwait from there.

  11. I'll go with what Z wrote. Makes perfect sense to me. Good quiz.

  12. Thanks for the entries: NOBODY has been 100% correct by the way!!!

  13. Hm. Then I'll change my answer to 3 to Polish, please.

  14. ***are you SURE about that?!**


    (no comment)

  15. 1. China
    2. Turkey
    3. Dripping (it's just to the west of Turkey)
    5. Taiwan
    6. Latvia
    7. Equatorial New Guinea
    8. Sweden
    9. Iceland
    10. Thailand

    Oh look the verifier is felLIZ!

  16. Thanks Liz
    C'mon people: roll up roll up ~ less than an hour and a half left!


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