Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I Found A Basket!

I FOUND A LITTLE PADDED BASKET on my road today... exactly the right size for a tiny terrier puppy...

"Is this a sign??!?" I asked a dear friend of mine...

"No: it's an old basket!" came the commonsensical reply...

I say no more!!


  1. That is funny. I think it is a sign though.



  2. I thought it was a sign... I dearly hope it to be a sign... Well, sign or not, at least I've got somewhere for a little doggie to sleep (apart from letting it in my bed as a furry hot water bottle!)!

  3. I think that it's a sign as well. A Cairn for you! England is the home of these terriers--you surely can find one.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Dang, you're all the way in London, huh? My grandfather was born there. Anyway I really like your blog. I was listening to some of your videos that played too (some don't). I skimmed through most of your stuff being as I need to go back to work, but I'll be back. In answer to your question, I guess beef would be the answer. Don't know about Lamb (I don't like it). :-) Have a great day & I'll be back. I'm your latest follower.

  5. Syd: Do you know since the first day of my obsession I haven't seen a single ONE cairn terrier ... except for one single cross.

    I'm on the lookout for a bulbous pregnant one with poor owners willing to sell its cheery puppies!

    Dolly: Thank you

    I might try that beef recipe, I've got a real thing about "wholesome stews" but I cannot stand pork...



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