Wednesday, June 30, 2010


HOW TYPICAL of me to put my foot in it. (Again.) I thought I was simply quoting the German National Anthem. Little did I know that in modern times only stanza three is sung. You can read more about the Deutschlandlied here. I didn't realize my posts might have been offensive (because I posted it up in German too!!) so I altered their titles to Deutschland über England.

News? No news. Unconscious practically all day with sheer exhaustion.

And the weather is sweltering hot ~ still.

Found a brilliant book about the origins of German words and expressions in German. So I'm (slowly) reading that.

Now I've got to run. It's 01:37am! Night night all. Or good afternoon if you're in Australia.


  1. Oh well, at least you know now.


  2. hopefully not too late!!

    nobody mentioned anything on my German blog

    I'm hoping they were just being too polite :-)

  3. Fawlty Towers springs to mind ;)

  4. Hope you get a cool change blowing in soonish*!*

  5. That's the thing they don't tell you - there is an entire culture behind every language - and that culture can change with location too!

    Hopefully, no one was overly offended and realized that you were merely ignorant of the whole story.

  6. Anyone that has read your blog for awhile would know that you wouldn't be offensive on purpose!

    California Uber Alles! Member' that punk rocka song?

  7. Jeannie: I certainly hope so...

    Elaine: That's true. I hope...
    That punk rocker song? Never heard of it!

  8. Sorry about the loss but I haven't really kept up with the matches.

  9. I'm not bothering to keep up with any of it. Except perhaps the final ... Really cannot be bothered any more. + those vuvus are driving me NUTS!

  10. Cabbage . hahaha and I'm with you on the vuvus

  11. We always used to laugh at that name, "Chancellor Cabbage" ~ somehow the monoglot British press never picked up on it....


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