Wednesday, June 02, 2010

At the lesbian konditorei

I HAVE BEEN "improving" my command of German by viewing soap opera: Lindenstraße and Marienhof. They all seem to be full of lesbians and cake shops. Everything looks like it was shot in the same place. I also tried Verbotene Liebe ~ forbidden love ~ which airs at 6pm weeknights and is chock full of lesbians from start to finish ~ oo! those permissive Germans! ~ with little discernible plot. Exceedingly boring. Verbotene Liebe is said to have a cult following among gays and lesbians across the world. All I can say is they must have an astonishing boredom tolerance...

Apart from that I am depressed. Sleep afflicts me like a disease. I don't know what to do.

But my German's coming in in leaps and bounds. I know words for "protest at the pig farm" "libel" "barrister" (a legal advocate) and "please don't flush that cocaine, I'm not dealing, I promise you..!"

A random clip from Lindenstraße

Photos from Verbotene Liebe


  1. I am sorry you are depressed. I sleep a lot when I am depressed, too.

    I hope the black dog moves on.

    Sending love,


  2. Depression sucks the big one.

    Sorry to hear you aren't feelin' well...

  3. Sorry to hear you're depressed Gleds, I hope your mood lifts soon. x

  4. Hang in there we all have our bouts now and that some times worse that others.I know.

  5. Take care of yourself Gleds. Thinking of you.


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