Tuesday, June 08, 2010


A BLACKBIRD was chirping its head off on the roof.

They sing the most glorious song ...

Eine Amsel saß auf dem Dach. Sie zirpte laut. Das Lied ist erstaunlich.

Look at this, you can see it right close up chanting and chirrupping away:

If you watch this through you see the most amazing woodpecker poking at the peanut-feeder. All black and white with bits of red, like an old dog-blanket!

Some German garden blogs I've been reading:
Lunas Garten-Rosen
Herz und Leben
Jouir la vie

(I found many other good ones but these were all my Browser would list for me.)

Wenn Sie dies in der deutschen Sprachwelt lesen, bitte lassen Sie Ihren Kommentar hinter!
Wenn Sie dies lesen in der deutschen Sprachwelt, lassen Sie bitte ihren Kommentar hinter!

(Welcher ist korrekt?)
(Weder das eine?)

Danke schön, Gattina:
Wenn Sie dies in deutsch lesen, lassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar.


  1. Chirpy-chirpy-chirrruppa-tweetle-di-deetle-eeeeeeee(!!)... Chirp.

  2. O come on someone leave a comment. Are blackbirds so very boring..?

  3. No blackbirds are definitely not boring Gleds! We have lots in our garden all trying to claim the territory. Their song is just beautiful. :)

  4. Beides ist falsch ! es muss heissen :Wenn Sie dies in deutsch lesen, lassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar.

    Sprachwelt sagt man nicht in diesem Fall und "hinter" ist nur hinter dem Haus !

    Of course you can ask me what I did before I do nothing anymore ! I certainly wasn't a teacher, what an horrible idea. In fact I was Assistant to the Sales manager for whole Europe, especially for Germany and France in an American fibre company. But I have also worked for a chemical company, a marketing company, an export (to Iran) company etc etc. I had so many choises because of German and English in a French speaking country. And I forget Italian. When I was fat up in a company I looked for another,it was as easy as that. Looking back now, I really had a funny time, especially when I had to write the "good bye" letters for my (married) boss to his girlfriends, because his writing wasn't that good, lol. I also had a lot of tissues in my drawer !

  5. I like to listen to red wing black birds that are in the marsh. They have a wonderful sound.

  6. Akelamalu:> aren't they amazing? Did you know for years I thought the only song they had was the chip-chip-chipping noise they make when the cat prowls too near their babies...

    Gattina: it was incredibly hard to guess what type of job you would have done bc you strike me as a v capable lady; also I don't think you would be the type of person to endure a working enivonment that was too high powered or stressful just for the prestige or to put it another way you seem to me someone who v much appreciates quality of life. Now you see why I wanted to learn languages now ~ the same reason you got so far ahead! I know my German is terrible. I never ever know quite how to say anything quite right bc the grammar is so kompliziert! I can understand it pretty Ok now. But I'm sure those poor German gardeners were quite bemused suddenly to get comments in pigeon German from someone they've never heard of before!!

    PS How much dirhams did you want for the cows' heads..??!?

    Syd: do you think they're the same type of blackbird as we have here? With orange-yellow-rimmed eyes? I was amazed on googling the Great Tit (yes that really is the name ~ one of our prettiest birds, similar to the blue tit pictured in the Evil Mr Fox post) that these birds have a range of habitation from the UK (but not N America, hence the titters and cackles I get when I mention them!) down through Europe, across the Russian steppes and a bit of N Africa, right down to India and even Thailand and up through China, Korea and Japan!!! And there was me thinking of them as "British" garden birds...


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