Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chinese Proverb of the day!


It actually came from a piece of spam left at Addicted Rantings's blog by somebody named 韋于倫成 on 27 May this year at 1:18pm and it means:

When a person's heart can hold different conflicting things, this man started to become worthwhile.

Cool, huh?


  1. Or psychotic...but why quibble?

  2. I think it means once you're able to face up to your own ambivalence and accept that the world is not black and white, you've become a rounded person

  3. Hi Gleds ~~ How nice to relive your travels and many adventures again by
    whatever means. Go for it and enjoy.
    I did so enjoy the previous post about Queen Elizabeth - that was great and I will come and watch the entire doco about her. We have a holiday tomorrow (Mon) for the Queens birthday.
    I am glad your cousin came from Sydney to London for 4 years, she must have enjoyed it. We have very hot summers and I guess it shows on our faces. Thank you my friend for your kind words about my son.
    I think he will be OK, but just have to watch it. I am so sorry you had an accident and very glad you have got over it well and very little scarring. Take care,
    My very best wishes, Merle.

  4. Hi Merle
    Re your son's skin cancdr ops you're welcome and I'm glad he's OK. As I said, he really shouldn't worry about scarring. Any marks will fade quickly.
    The Queen Elizabeth II documentary is called Elizabeth R. I remember it coming out when I was in the holidays from university around 1992. It is the best Royal documentary by far and well worth the watching.
    When my cousin lived in London it wsa the coolest time ever. Re her friends' skin ageing, I think she believed it was UV-damage causing this.... the southern ozone-hole is massive, and she thought it was this making her friends look older. Not any lack of stress! The Aussies used to say London was incredibly stressful and busy, but it was a great place to launch a power-career...
    I'm glad you seem to be fine all things considered and hope all continues to go well.
    Lots of love

  5. I'm had a lot of these spam Chinese comments but I thought they were obscene. So it is nice to know that they are proverbs or statements.

  6. Oh no some are obscene!
    In the same bunch of spam was a thicket of advertisements for feature-length porn. One phrase that came up over again was "self-timers"... (like an egg-timer?) ... what on earth self-timers might be in the context of porn I don't wanna know

  7. Wow wish my flashbacks were as vivid. You do write well you know, ever thought about short fiction? Could be a nice little earner. Yeh I get this chinese spam all the time but just ignored it, I never bothered to translate.

  8. I never feel inspired to write short fiction (maybe coz I hardly ever read it ~ I don't like the ordinarily-sketchy characterization). But I DO still have that "longer" work of fiction in the "pipeline", hahar!

  9. Dur: and double-dur, bc I posted this under the wrong comment. Anyway, here goes ~

    I forgot to say; as much as anything it's the feeling that comes back to me. The feeling of being on holiday. And the coconutty smell of Ambre Solaire factor 2 (Malta in the early 80s)

    which is a North African island in the Med, v much like Morocco

    they have a fantastic drink there, bitter orange with herbs, called Kinnie. I would really like to get a few bottles...


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