Thursday, June 03, 2010

Stalked... by a Wood Pigeon!

I THINK FLAPPER the wood pigeon is stalking me. When I left the house early this afternoon, there he was right by the front door. Needless to say he flapped off with great commotion once he saw me.

Then, when I returned just now I had just passed the neighbour's bins and ~ huge a huge flappery occurred again. I nearly had a heart attack. But it was just Flapper, who had been pecking in the lawn taking flight to his second favourite TV aerial. (He prefers the luxury one that looks like a grill-rack on my side of the road.)

Up on the aerial he took to cooing incessantly. I don't know who he is cooing to, or what he is trying to say, but he appears to have an urgent message for somebody...

At first I wasn't sure whether there aren't in fact TWO pigeons on my street, but I'm pretty certain now that Flapper is one person. Perhaps he is cooing for a significant other. The only other wood pigeons I know peck around in the bushes by the public library. Someone should tell them Flapper is here before somebody gets fed up with his mindless cooing and shoots the bird-brain!


  1. Hmmm not the sharpest tools in the shed but they're sweet to listen to. Hope Mrs Flapper's just around the corner!

  2. You seem to be a natural with all animals.

  3. I haven't fed Flapper. He's quite shy and all the food I had that a bird would like is stuff like biscuits that I'd rather not waste strewing on the path unless I know he will eat 'em.
    Actually I think I might invest in some Wild Bird from the snotty woman at the pet shop down the road...

  4. Pigeons will eat anything. You don't have to spend much, some stale bread or left over popcorn will do.

    We feed our pet pigeon parakeet food, though she has dined on cat food with no harm.


  5. I'm out of basically everything now. I wouldn't want to throw down anything that looks like dinner. The neighbours wouldn't like it. They will say it attracts rats, so "Wild Bird" it will have to be ....


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