Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Winter wren/Zaunkönig

THIS is one of the birds I hear singing right outside my window. It perches one tree along from Flapper and Chogstable's cherry tree, chirruping like crazy most of the day:

Dieser Vogel singt direk bei meinem Fenster. Er sitzt oben im Baum daneben dem Kirschenbaum von Flapper und Chogga. Meiste Zeit des Tages, zwitschert er wie verrückt!

VIDEO: with amazingly clear picture. I like the bit with the caterpillar best...
VIDEO: das Bild ist erstaunlich klar. Der Moment mit der Raupe gefällt mir am Besten...

Picture/Bild aus Gartenbilder



  1. To your questions :"Ich habe schon so lange keine mehr singen hören".means that she hasn't heard a single nightingale singing since ages" and I too ! I can't believe that you have nightingales in London in your street !! Anyway I am not a bird specialist, I only know robins and sperlings, that's like with flowers.
    I paint in acrylic, because it dries quick, oil stinks and is too slow for me. Now I am off to the sea for the day, it's only 100 km and will listen to the songs of seagulls !

  2. Last time I was at the seaside I threw red hot chips at a herring gull who either didn't notice or didn't care... either way, we named him "Gullable"!!

    PS I'm with you on acrylics. Why bother with "it'll still be wet in 2018" oils when ya got them?!

    How on earth Van Gough managed to slap out 5 pictures a day or whatever it was in oil is beyond me.

    Also from what I know, his technique, as far as conservation goes, was dire. Oil must be applied as sparingly as possible so it does NOT crack and fall off. He slathered the stuff on like there was no tomorrow!

  3. thanks for information...

  4. Ja, die Szene mit der Raupe finde ich auch ganz toll! Erstaunlich, dass der Zaunkönig wegfliegt, als sie ihm zu nahe kommt... ob die Raupe giftig ist oder ist der Vogel Vegetarier?

    Liebe Grüße

  5. Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch in meinem Blog und die lieben Kommentare. Deine Geschichten hier sind auch sehr liebenswert. Viele Grüße von Inge

  6. I'd like to comment on this, Gledds, but I don't understand this German shit. Sorry.

    Nice picture!

  7. Love the videos! Great blog--glad I found it!


  8. Uhm, Ich haben in zer Toronto Canada? Ze wedder ist warrum und windig? Tag? Strasse? Konig? Berlin? Hund?

    I suck.

  9. Thanks for the birdsongs Gleds, that little wren when slowed down sounds pretty good too, loved the interaction with the caterpillar*!*

  10. Just popped in to see how you're doing and what's up. Sorry I've not been blogging as usual, but I'll have more time to catch up once this job ends tomorrow. The bird life in your street is lovely.

  11. Angelina: vielleicht war die Raupe zu groß für sie!

    Gern geschehen! (Is das die rechte Ausdruck? Ich meine:) Herzlich Willkommen!

    SB: hang on a sec, everything I wrote in German I put up in English too, y'know! There's no mystery. {That is a Geheimnis to you ;->...}

  12. Melindaville: Hi! I've been following your blog for ages, y'know!

    Bimbimbie: I once saw a TV prog where they slowed down animals (and sped up tortoises) in line with lifespan ~ most things then moved at the same speed. And tiny the tiny tits/etc suddenly no longer looked anxiously about 3 times every second!

    e: Hi! We seem to have more birds this year than any year past. A hedgefull of sparrows for one thing, and "common" sparrows almost disappeared over the last 20 years.. .yeah I'm doing OK, thanks...

    Reeny: that was a pretty good impression; did you do German at school?

    What I've found is that people who do languages till 16 (GCSE/O Level here) usually seem to've forgotten year later but A level language (age 18) is enough to stick in the head and become a foundation for something further later on...

  13. I took one German course in high school...

  14. Did you get the school certificate in German?... Whatever Canadian exams are called..? Me having not the faintest idea, sorry

  15. Nice about the birds. Too tired to work on German.

  16. I'm too tired for German too. I know when I am, suddenly it turns into incomprehensible gobbledygook. Glass mostly full becomes a glass mostly empty :-(


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