Thursday, July 22, 2010

Flying Donkeys!

Foal flying along the ground...

Fuzzy trotter-donkeys!

What's the saying... stubborn as a..? What? A greedy swine who insists you drag along a load five times too heavy, then looks surprised when this happens..?

The famous Russian parasailing donkey...

... poor swine!


  1. I'm not sure how a parasailing donkey effectively promotes parasailing. That vodka must be rotting their brains. They should have stuck with the old standby... the parasailing Elvis impersonator. That one works every time.

  2. OMG that poor donkey actually im laughing at the same time as im shaking my head

  3. Molson: donkeys are meant to trot, not fly!!

    Sweden: the poor swine!

  4. Donkeys are neat animals but don't get the same love and attention that horses do. Sad to say.


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