Sunday, July 18, 2010

Keeping Mum

A KINDLY GANG-MEMBER from Da Local Baby Gangsta Crew let me have some drugs on tick today. I paid half and owe half. I only had money to spare because all plans for today fell through, leaving me at a loose end, exceedingly "peeved", to put it mildly and in need, so I thought, of a chemical emollient. (Not an exfoliant, that gets off hair. An emollient. That soothes.)

O man the effort I put into today. All for nothing!

I was supposed to see my Mum. I got up, crystal clear. Cleaned myself up as best I could, physically speaking. But to be frank I just looked like a heroin addict on a daytrip.

I had checked train times and prices etc etc etc. I had the option of going in and out of London or taking a long couple of bus rides across town. The bus rides seemed cheaper and got me to a station further up the right line.

So I took this bus. Got to station. All was silent. The ticket machine utterly refused to take my £5 note. Not that it was bulimically constantly regurgitating the thing. I think this machine was anorexic. Its mouth refused even to open.

By the way I know someone who used to work on the Eating Disorders Helpline in Norwich who said that without exception bulimics verbally spewed and spewed, while anorexics were barely willing to open their mouths and thus said barely anything at all... Isn't that fascinating...

So anyway this ticket machine refused my money, which hardly bothered me. I chucked 10p in the Permit to Travel machine. This meant I was covered if an evil ticket inspector chose to pounce on me like a barn owl on an unsuspecting harvest mouse... as frequently happens on London suburban trains. If he queried whether or not the machine was in fact working, I would just tell them to check CCTV. Britain does not have the oft-stated 4 million cameras (surely it's many more than that now as that figure's a decade old) for nothing. For once I might use one to my advantage. I do not trust ticket inspectors after having the most almighty altercation with two on a platform having been told my ticket, which I'd checked in advance was good for it, was invalid on my chosen route. Something, incidentally, which tended not to happen before rail privatization. The worst ever move by the Tory party, in that particular line of activity. I got my money back and a grovelling apology. I always do. Or did. When I could be bothered with such things.

Anyway long story short, I got to the interchange station to find it surprisingly quiet. I hadn't taken the train, I'd walked because it was so near the other one (but wrong for the bus). I thought I'd let the train take the strain. In the end my feet did. And this station was empty with almost unreadable electronic notices saying something I could not understand. It transpired the entire line was down, and if I did want to see my Mum I'd have to take two trains in the wrong direction, with no guarantee how long they might take.

Full of misery and fury I phoned her and said this is impossible. So we had to leave it for another day. Such a shame as Branzy my step-Dad wouldn't have been there earwigging in every word. In other words we might have done something else except discuss 25 topics I don't care about, skating merrily over life's surfaces, yet barely scratching them.

I went directly to the nearest cyder-selling shop and got two White Stars. Well I wasn't gonna need this money for train fares any more. Poured them into Lucozade bottles to spare myself disgusted glances. Jumped on bus. It was well over an hour till I got home, and then I phoned that heroin dealer who "kindly" ~ if you wanna call it that ~ provided that lump for half price.

If I don't cough up tomorrow I get a bullet through my brainbox!

Anyway all this just goes to show, I'm stone cold sober and it still goes mammaries up. Oh what a day ...

Illustrated: selection of ultra-modern British trains. Especially the top one.
Very top pic: HM the Queen mysteriously riding public train (no wonder she looks glum)...


  1. How do you install a bullet in a brain pan without a gun? I thought nobody in the UK could have a gun unless you have MI6 triple woody super secret squirrel clearance or something. Probably best to pay the Smackman his dough just in case.

    Oooh. That White Star comes in a snappy looking can. Looks tasty but there's no way I can drink that stuff. Any alcoholic beverage made from rotting fruit tends to make me barf so hard that there is nostril involvement. I don't care for that one little bit.

    I'm sorry to hear the day trip didn't work out. Your Mum would have loved to see you. I hope the next day trip goes better.

  2. He wouldn't really shoot me over a £10er surely but you gotta be careful with such people. I know someone who got beaten up/nearly beaten up/cen't recall specifics over £40. And the dealer had been in prison! Hardly a wealth of opportunities to pay..!
    Guns are everywhere. According to the papers you can buy one for a couple of £100s.
    The White Star is like liquid brillo pads. The cheapest. Though White Ace, with 79p marked on the can so shops can't overcharge, is nastier. I drink it neat when I don't want to pee everywhere, otherwise I mix with fruit juice.
    Hopefully another undercover expedition can be arranged soon.
    I cannot believe how naive I was, barely having used the train for 10 years (before that I used it at least once a week) ~ even though I had checked, obviously not thoroughly enough. Ukh!
    I posted this in German and they were astonished nobody was there to ask, but there wasn't. Nobody in authority and no other passengers. Only Polish workmen lumbering about the platforms...

  3. Sorry you didn't get to visit with the Moms, Gledds.



  4. Now you've spent your rail ticket money how you going to get to see your Mum?

  5. SB: I bloody well hope so

    Akelamalu: it was only £7 ~ + the wrong end of the week, I get pd today. It was a stretch anyhow, spending my last to get out of town. Next time, hopefully with more notice things won't be so narrow. I had just shelled out on stuff from Iceland when she called... Usually I get more notice

  6. I travelled 1st class from Nottingham to London on the 13th of July and liked it very much. The way you order tickets and the strange way it works was totally compensated by my only 3 pounds more expensive than 2nd class trip.

    The Dutch could learn something from the 1st class idea. Men in suits offering yet another free cup of tea or bottle of water and a chocolate cookie. It was nice.

    In London I got yelled at in a museum for going the wrong way though..well sórry for that. Pfft they were just rude. Stayed 4 days, which was way too short.

  7. What no first class in Nederland?
    How odd... one could argue that it's a waste of train. On certain commuter trains people are packed like sardines ~ while first class stands nearly empty...
    I was gonna write a post about the lax attitude so prevalent in British business but... arkh! I'm still too wound up when the words "railway" or "train" ping through my mind...

  8. Every one has days that things don't go well. It comes with life. I hope that you get to visit your mother soon.

  9. @ Gledwood there is a 1st class, but it pales in comparison to the English one.

    And on the train from Carlisle to Nottingham they filled up 1st class with passengers who couldn't fit in 2nd class. They also kinda scrapped all reserved seats because they had a technical malfunctioning :P


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