Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Me-Shaped Hole

I HAD a £1 Chinese chicken and noodles from Iceland. Boil int' bag. Hubble-bubbled away for 40 mins. Considering even a lunchtime combination box, a cheapie, is £3 minimum, for £1 this was amazing.

I checked out my nearest bookshop and found a glaring me-shaped hole where my books should be. Books plural, because I have a wealth of ideas.

Yes the project is moving at last! Like a creaky old goods train, it has shuddered to a start. The hoary old locomotive is belching diesel smoke and trundling wearily onwards ~ bringing cartloads of entertainment to the world!

Sorry I've not been visiting any of you very much at all. Nothing personal. But I must focus. I'm still not feeling too fantastic. My energy reserves are low and must be wisely invested. Talent ~ as I was banging on the other day ~ is not to be wasted!

Got to run. I hope you're all keeping well. Take care of yourselves. Just for a change, I'm trying to take care of me!

Who knows? One day this Me-Shaped Hole might be overflowing with amazing tales!


  1. Your literary efforts sound much like mine, Gleds.

    I am so happy to read you're taking care of yourself. Good, that's what I like to hear.

    Don't worry about not visiting. I'm doing less of both visiting and writing posts. But...I turn up eventually.

    Take care.

  2. Good for you about taking care of yourself and using your talent. That is awesome.

  3. I am SO pleased to hear you are, at last, taking care of yourself Gleds. Having just yesterday read of the demise of a fellow blogger (Buff of Opinions and Rectums) your news is good. x

    I am keeping everything crossed for your project - whatever it is. x

  4. Yes! Spend your energies on you!

    All the best.

  5. My energy reserves are low too. I understand. Good luck with the project, buddy.

  6. Puss-in-Boots: aye! I noticed you were rarely about... didn't you get a job in a dr's surgery again..? I can't recall specifics.
    It's nice to see you though!

    Syd: I hope the finished product's awesome too, haha!

    Akelamalu: thank you. Who was that? I'll have to go check..!

    Jeannie: Thanks!:-) I know this could be taken the wrong way, but I was spending a lot of time online when I should really have been doing other things, so in a sense I was wasting time and energy, when I've little energy to waste. Which was a crying shame, when I so much wanted to achieve something with my life when I was younger. And I look about and have achieved ... next to nothing!

    SB I know exactly what you mean

  7. Happy writing Gleds and take care.

  8. Well wishes for you! Looking forward to hearing about the project! Keep it going.

  9. hopes everything is well with you Gleds!!!
    sometimes we just have to take time for ourselves, its perfectly normal and healthy.


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