Saturday, July 03, 2010

Water Voles


Formerly known as water-rats, these are actually a species of vole, and are more closely related to hamsters than rats.

Unlike wild rats they rarely bite when cornered, and are really furry and cute:

They live in burrows in river-banks...

Aren't they beautiful?

Ratty from Wind in the Willows was actually a water-vole...

Water vole numbers are dwindling sa their habitats become increasingly threatened...

Of course water-voles love swimming...

If you keep your eyes open next time you visit the countryside you may well see a sight like this

If we don't look after their habitat, these beautiful furry animals will soon become extinct...


  1. Hope you managed to shake off old Rip and got a quality 8 hours of sleep.

    I love Wind in the Willows and do you remember Tales from the Riverbank? You should look them up on utube, all those furry conversations wonderful.


  2. Tales from the Riverbank was amazing. Those little hamsters and guineau pigs acting all together. Hilarious!

  3. Those are really neat critters. There are so many animals that need protecting.

  4. Aye ~ do you have water volies Stateside? That's something I meant to mention in my article, but didn't want to overcomplicate my cute picture-story

  5. Wind in the willows! I loved that book as a kid. And the water voles are adorable.

  6. They are utterly delightful animals. It saddens me to think that they are so vulnerable

  7. I never knew that the show originated in Canada and when their tv station passed over the pilot the creators went to BBC

    "but that is another story" as Johnny Morris always ended each story*!*

  8. Hi Gleds ~~ Great lot of photos of the water voles - I don't think we have them here, but I may be wrong.
    The Wind in the Willows was a good title and you sure like little furry
    creatures. The German seems to be progressing. Take great care, my friend, With Best Wishes, Merle.

  9. Lucinda: Hi aren't they cute?
    Long time no hear, hope all is well with you. I noted your French seemed to be coming along nicely. I'm saying nothing, but thez do say pillowtalk is the very best way of learning anz language..(!)

    Jams: I once saw one paddling up a stream when I was a lil boy, it was so furry and cute (and soggy-looking, it has to be said...)

    Bimbimbie: yeah did you know the Muppets was commissioned and produced in the UK even though it was an American show... Something to do with the vagiaries of TV production "lore"...

    Merle: I do love a furry animal as you know, Merle.
    I would imagine water voles are not indiginous to Australia, though I might be wrong, too.
    Then again you have dunnarts. I saw the Attenborough docco on them - hilarious!
    I actually get compliments on my German, would you believe it!! Though people do point out I have a "style of my own" (ie quite a foreign-sounding yet highly articulate one, I like to think!)

  10. They are adorable, Gledds.

    Hope all is well with you.




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