I HAVE JUST REALIZED I AM ADDICTED TO KIPPERS... haddock, mackerel... smoked fish of all kinds. this is terrible! What am I going to to?!
Like a clucking junkie this morning I trawled the supermarket in desperation along the chilled meats isles. Finally I found smoked mackerel with peppers all over it (coloured and black, yes you can even get chili-peppered mackerel these days)... my eye drifted along to haddock and then "kippers". There is no such fish swimming in the sea as a "kipper". It just means smoked herring. Tescos yesterday wanted £3 for 200g ie £15 a kg. Morrisons own were 78p for 200g ie £3.90 per kg or nearly a quarter of the price.
I took them home gleefully and indulged in my habit with toast, behind closed doors.
What am I going to tell Narcotics Anonymous? Hi I'm an addict and I'm addicted to heroin, crack (as was, gave that up January 1 2009), drink, the odd Valium and KIPPERS! Ukh. But they're so moreish....
NAOMI CAMPBELL was in a crimes against humanity court today. Hurrah! I thought. Finally the beautiful monster is getting nailed for her offences to fashion, music, novel-writing and film. But no, it was some silly case that she would inevitably answer no to, because no-one will admit in front of the taxman to a potentially multimillion pound gift, that the President of Liberia gave her a whacking great blood diamond.
She says no (quelle surprise!) But she did wake up in the middle of the night at the Presidential Villa in South Africa with two mysterious men standing over her (she didn't lock her door, what a tart!) who handed her a "bag of dirty stones".
I bet she gets more in free gifts off her millionaire boyfriends than she ever earns on the catwalk or in front of a lens. I heard she only makes £2 million a year, which sounds fine and dandy till you realize her agency takes a whacking cut, then the tax man ~ 50%! ~ which can't leave more than about £700,000 a year. And how are you meant to live and buy a decent house on that!!
Those horrible "real housewives of New Jersey" were boasting of the value of their homes. Well one was. And I translated dollars to pounds and thought, hang on a minute one of my old houses was worth that.
Yes a standard £500,000 London home, housing the poor and destitute!
Illustrated: kippers, Naomi Campbell ~ mobile-phone lobbing queen of mean, Millennium Star diamond ~ 203-carat D-flawless!
Naomi Campbell talks cocaine addiction with Oprah Winfrey
Vauxhall Corsa: the new supermodel 1992 commercial
Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington et al... and a car
Foxes and wolves
Seeing Jabblog's post about foxes reminded me about our foxes. Ms Fox has
given up playing hard to get and seems happily coupled with Mr Fox these
days. ...
10 hours ago
Naomi Campbell is awful. I can't stand her.
I love The Real Housewives. I'm addicted, like you are to kippers.
Love you, Gleddy.
Naomi Campbell is too full of her own self importance!
My Dad adores kippers.
Naomi Campbell is too full of her own self importance!
My Dad adores kippers.
Supermodel Naomi Campbell self-important? Surely not!
And apparently Prince Charles has kippers for breakfast, too.
I think he probably has Dutchy Originals hickory-smoked or the like. Not Morrisons own budget range!
I had a lot of herring fixed in so many ways in Sweden. There were pickled but used in many different dishes. Superb food!
I've never tried pickled herring. It does not look attractive in the jar!
We don't have kippers in our supermarkets here. I'd have to go to a real fish shop which are few and far between (although there is one near my sister's place). There was one we'd go to up at the cottage which had fantastic kippers. No idea what they cost but they were so good. I got squeamish later on because the heads were still on and I got all girly about it. Now I'm thinking I'd enjoy a nice kipper.
Heads?! Ukh! No heads on mine. But unlike the other smoked fish, kippers are RAW. No wonder they're so cheap. I only found out when I scurried up to the fridge like a mouse, after a little nibble...
Actually what am I saying ukh to about heads. They don't usually put me off. Except sprats and whitebait, when I cut them off and leave them for the kitty-cat to purr at and chew!
Honestly the woman is thick as two short bricks. "I didn't even know what a blood diamond was" Jesus, didn't she watch the movie. I hope she falls off her stilletoes.
I've had smoked salmond once but found it too salty.
I think Narcotics Anonymous would forgive you your food addiction.
NAOMI CAMPBELL is in love with herself. Ugh, I can't stand people like that.
What the hell is that all about - do you know even important news stories seem to need a celeb angle to ensure that they get airtime now... WTF!
I love smoky tastes - I put it down to growing up in Lowestoft where the kipper is king. Or was anyway, when the richest people in town owned fishing fleets. I like them best whole, with heads on and bones in, because they have most flavour and juiciness.
Also I love bloaters, which are whole (ungutted) smoked herrings. I remember my mother cooking them as they came, but I'm a bit of a squeam and take out the innards. If there's a roe, I pop it back inside when I cook it and eat that too, however.
Around here, you can get whole smoked mackerel too which are really lovely, better than the fillets.
I commented here, and answered your question about steno, but I see no comment appeared. I don't like kippers and Naomi Campell is not worthwhile to talk about.I think she just can't handle her job.Beauty is not everything.
I never learned steno for the simple reason that I never needed it. I got the instructions what to write and in what language and I wrote everything myself. I have no idea about steno.
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