Thursday, August 12, 2010

My keyboard test result:

77 WPM when I raced. But dropped my fag on the floor and had to pick it up before it set the house on fire. My ordinary typing speed is just over 60wpm. I didn't want to go full tilt because the reading would be false ~ I would never race like that in real life.

Got nothing else to post; too miserable.


  1. I did 57 wpm. That seems lousy!

  2. These old photos bring back painful memories of my first job on an old black Imperial typewriter ... second day in I realised it was the office joke for all new juniors to be given it, the second day an electric IBM was at my desk*!*

  3. Years ago, I think my speed was up over 80 words - my son used to make me do tests because he wanted to be better - it was a long time before he was. Now, with my arthritis (and this new keyboard with stretches) I did only 57. One of my "errors" though is that I always put two spaces after a period as that is how we were taught to "type" back in the old days.

  4. Depends on the keyboard I guess. Only 81wpm on my home keyboard but it's a bit of a clunker. about 92 on the work one. Sorry you're down in the dumps Gleds. Hope you've picked up a bit. I'm late catching up as always.


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