Monday, August 09, 2010

Oh no! The Goblin's coming!

"Ach! That naughty goblin is on my tail..."

"He's gonna bite me on the bum!"

I was trying to say in German that my late cat Coco ...

... looked "like a furry black imp" ...

Or a sprite or a pixie ....

But the standard German "Kobold" means a goblin ...

Or even a hobgoblin!

And these are after the poor wild hammy!
"Ach! He's coming! And he sounds like a hobgoblin too!"

"I've gotta ping back to my burrow before he bites my bum!"

"At least he can't follow me down here, the swine!"

§ § §


She ought to change her name: GOBLIN LOTT!


  1. Are you having nightmares with trolls, goblins and other ugly creatures ? Except the hamsters which are very cute of course.
    I don't know if "Made in Germany" is a sign for good quality, maybe it was it in the past, I have no idea, never payed attention to where it was coming from. I am rather European then anything else. And then I left Germany when I was 14, when I am there I feel like a stranger.

  2. Made in Germany a sign of good quality ~ are you kidding, of course it is!

    Audi cars still, as far as I know, advertise on TV under the slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik", and apart from Japanese and Asian, Germany is the only European country that can advertise ... "made in..." as an advertisement. Definitely!

  3. Sorry I forgot to answer part one of your question. Nightmares? No. Der Kobold, which I ended up using because it was the translation of my little black cat being a "black imp" turned into my hamster's obsession, "Ach! Der Kobold kommt!" The goblin is chasing the poor hammy again and hunting it down to bite it on the bum!
    So Kobold is my new favourite German word, meaning an imp, sprite, pixie, goblin or hobgoblin...
    If you see what I've put today, the naughty Kobold-Goblin is still chasing the poor hammy, who hides in his nest. The poor swine!
    If I start having nightmares about Kobolde and trolls, I know it's time to stop. Or else I shall turn into a hammy and I'll have to hide in MY nest, lest the Kobold bite me!!


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