Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Time for something new...

THIS ISN'T WORKING ANY MORE.I think I've finally proved to myself that me and heroin do not mix...

If I've learned anything from all those counselling sessions I attended with very mixed feelings over the past year, it's that I've been asleep, and while I slept calamity came. And now it's time to get up, clear up and move on...

I hope you like the hammy picture. It's totally irrelevant, I know; but I thought it looked nice!


  1. Your hamster picture is sweet.

    I honestly wish you the best of luck in your attempts at recovery. I don't pretend to know you but I've always thought that your sacrifices to the heroin fiends was such a shame.

    It's time for you to walk with your head high (you know what I mean) and your face in the sun :)

  2. I've missed you, Gledds. I just wanted to say hi and wish you good luck.

    You are loved,


  3. I wish you the very best in your endeavour. As I think I said before, a dear friend of mine has been clean for well over two decades now.

  4. Hope this is the start of something great for you. All the best!

  5. Wishing you all the best. May your determination not waiver. The prize that awaits is worth it. God bless.

  6. Hang in there and quit the dope. Do what you can to stay clean and really live. You deserve it.

  7. It's great to see you awake and about, my friend!

  8. Wow this is really positive, short but positive. We're all rooting for you!

  9. danke dir ;) also wegen deinen eintrag bei mir ;) mich kann man jetzt wohl auch lesen ;)


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