Thursday, September 30, 2010

The train to China!

THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT is planning a transcontinental high speed rail link that could take passengers from London to Beijing in as little as 48 hours!

Now I know where I wanna go by train next after Berlin!

When I'm in Beijing I'd love to take the Himalayan express to Lhasa in Tibet. At 15000 metres it's the highest railway in the world, with oxygen tanks on all trains in case passengers get altitude sickness!

As well as the Euro-route, the Chinese government are also planning a line via Korea to TOKYO.

The future's bright. The future's on rails!


  1. that sounds like a sweet ride.

  2. I somehow find it difficult to conceive how even a 240mph/350kph service could get to Beijing from London in 48 hours. Considering they don't even run the Orient Express London-Istanbul, which they could do with a Channel Tunnel and no Iron Curtain in the way, I think a London to China train is a BIT far-fetched at the moment. Though I really would like to go for a ride when it does come out. How exciting!

  3. I'm up for that - with my son in tow what a laugh

  4. I'd really like to take that Beijing-Lhasa train (and definitely in that direction first; Lhasa being like the last Sharngri-La to me...) BBC World Service's Outlook programme sent Heather Payton on board one of the first journeys. The carriage apparently erupted in an ecstasy of admiration when a wild yak was spotted out the window... apparently a most auspicious sign.
    (Just about everything in Tibet being auspicious - except those things that are inauspicious ... read Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel for further entertaining details.)

  5. Beautiful train and scenery.


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