Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm "back"

BUT I STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE POWER CABLE. I've not been well enough to go anywhere. I can barely walk the length of my own road. It hurts to do anything. I feel 105. I take rests on neighbours' garden walls with their moggie circling my legs and purring. I don't know what I've done but I've done my back in and I feel like an old pensioner. One of these days I'm going to drop and not be able to get up... that day is closer and closer. On a brighter note that wound on my leg is healing, having pussed up every pair of jeans I own. I cannot cover it as it's impossible to remove any kind of dressing without ripping it open. Blood and pus and the reek of dead flesh are everywhere. I am exhausted. The only good thing is I lost my appetite, which is saving money on food. I have a dr's appointment on Monday. Hopefully I will make it out alive again..(!) Akh! I've got to do, else I will get terminated yet again...


  1. Good grief Gleds it sounds as if the infection from that would on your leg has gotten into your bloodstream. Why are you only just seeing a doctor?????

  2. I hope that you will be okay. Please take care.

  3. It might be a slipped disc, which I've had before, and it's very painful.

    Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  4. I am not unfamiliar with back problems and know how debilitating they can be. I wish you well.

  5. A bad back is exhausting as well as agony because you can't get any rest. And your leg wound is worrying too. Hope the doc can help you recover quickly.

  6. Sorry to hear this, buddy. I'm so glad you have a doctor's appt.



  7. i'm out of the loop, what exactly happened to your leg? why do u have a wound? have u been going to the doctor about it sounds absolutely terrifying and gross about it spurting blood and puss. what is going on???
    u have to get it checked and make sure it heals properly and there is no infection, you can die of blood poisoning, or have to amputate your leg if gang grened (whatever its called)

  8. sounds like monday can't come soon enough..
    good luck.

  9. OMG, dude! I hope you get that taken care of right away and get better soon! The worst part for me is always psychological. I know it's far from easy and I'm probably preaching to the choir, but do whatever it takes to try and stay positive in your mindset. Glad to see you are still writing. I'm sure that helps some.

  10. Gosh, Gleds, worried about you. Couldn't you just go to Casualty? Love from Sicily xx woof!

  11. Gled,

    I'm glad your going to the doctors, this sounds pretty serious.



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