Sunday, October 03, 2010

Laughing Babies

Cow & Gate laughing babies ~ famous TV ad

Is 9-month old Ethan drunk?! He keeps falling over!

Giggling quadruplets (hilarious!)


  1. Have you seen the quadruplets before? I hadn't. Or Ethan falling over. Cow/Gate of course I see every day!
    I think Simi should be on television

  2. i dont like babies even laughing ones

  3. Funny to see these. Thanks for the smiles and laughs.

  4. SWEDES - how can you not like babbies??

    SYD good

  5. That Ethan is quite the character!

  6. A baby's laugh is a very special thing and a mother always remembers their baby's first 'real' giggle.

  7. JEANNIE: aye!

    AKELAMALU: did you notice, the 4-plets have highly distinctive cackles. Their laughs remind me of little honkers from jack-in-the-boxes and toys you squeezed or something like that. I think they're so entertaining!

  8. Oh, look at the laughing babies. So sweet!


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  10. Awww. A baby laugh is one of the happiest, most authentic and pure things in the world ... and there are so few of such things! Those quads are really in sync with one another, laughing together like that :) As for Mr. Ethan, well, he seems to be just overwrought with the hilarity of life. Good on him, I say. hehehe As for that first one, we don't have that in the U.S. that I'm aware of... is it like formula? I wasn't sure what the term "add-on milk" (or was that it? they called it something I didn't recognize) means... Good post :)

  11. i like cats not babies, i dont know why, i just have absolutely ZERO interest in babies, ive been wanting to get sterilized for years, i just dont like operations thats why i havent done it yet. i will NEVER have a kid EVER, domnt want to. I have no moaternal instincts whatsoever.


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