Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pets, past and future ~

These are some pets I'd most like to have... and actually have had.


Akitas are one of the oldest pure-breeds of dog in the world. The American Akita was taken back from Japan by American troops after World War II. It is bigger and furrier than its Japanese counterpart. Whenever I see one down the local park, I want to kidnap it. One came up and stared me right in the eyes. I was down on the grass, so we were eye to eye. She just stared into me. Very intense. Akitas are loyal and dignified and very Japanese. Similar in character to Alsatians or Rottweilers. They are used in Japan as police dogs. I have never heard one bark.

An idea of their size!

The puppies are well known for being savage and wild. This is pretty obvious when you take a look at one:

My favourite little dogs are Norwich terriers. If I got a small dog I wouldn't care too much about breed. The type I'm on about tends to show up in Rescue Home catalogues named "Scruffy". If you've seen "Scruffy", you know the dog I want. Every animal shelter has a Scruffy.

Chinchillas look like rabbits from Mars. They need a big cage, a huge wheel and a "marble", that is, a stone slab you can stick in the freezer for them to lie on in summer. Chinchillas come from the high Andes and do not enjoy temperatures much above 75F, 25C.

The best pets I ever had were roborovski hamsters. These come from Mongolia. They're a totally different breed to ordinary hamsters (2in/5cm fully grown, pingpong ball-sized when curled up). They are the smallest and fastest hammies in the world.

Unlike ordinary hamsters, which fight when kept together, robos are highly social. They sleep in a heap:

They do everything together. But they're easily startled, don't tame at all easily and don't like being handled. They ping off on the floor at the first opportunity, have taken me 2-4 days to recapture. Imagine a wild house mouse on speed and you're still not close! Aren't they cute ...



  1. my friends kate and tom have 2 rescued Akitas named fosh and booboo, first time i met them i was a little nervous because they are so big and majestic.
    They couldnt be any sweeter.

  2. I bed they were dead savage as puppies tho. Look at that little tyke's face. Looks like it needs a baby's arm to teethe on!
    I really wish I could have one. I wish I had space. I wish I knew how to tidy up.
    Well, one day...

  3. I was right about Bodysnatch 'Just 4 U London' the Other Half Knew it well!
    He ran off to score earlier when the guy said it was Really Good.
    I got all happy, cleaned up in the kitchen, even got out the hoover!
    Cut a long story short it looked odd, cooked up too dark and the 'Really Good' was a big fib, it was worse than his last lot!
    Long journey to back the un-opened 8th tomorrow.
    Both really depressed now :(

    Those Roborovski Hamsters look really sweet, I like Rats, they sleep in a pile too!

  4. those Akita's are awesome!

    But if they're pure bred, why are they called American Akita's if they were taken from Japan?

  5. Cute faces all of them - I was ooing and ahhing over a tiny pup this morning. The people parked in the spot next to us had just bought the sweetest little black labrador :)

  6. CJ that tune was everywhere, but seems forgotten about, as far as compilations and kids playing old school on pirate radio, no idea why. I once found my 3 robos sleeping literally one on top of the other in iia perfect stack of flattened faces, like a pile of rugs. Really wish I could have photo'd it

    ARJAN the Japanese ones are said to be pure. After WWII only a handful were left. The American version has colourings the Japanese would consider not right. Eg the piebald look illustrated. I'm pretty sure that's American not Japanese

    BIMBIMBIE kidnap kidnap!

    Shouldn't make jokes about that. I'd be gutted if I had a dog and someone nicked it

  7. Yes, every shelter has a "Scruffy"! Cute photos, Gleds.

  8. He's literally called Scruffy, too. I've seen him at least twice in 2 totally different places

  9. thats not a dog surely?! its a bear!!

  10. These dogs are adorable make me think of a teddy bear !
    When do you get some new hamsters ? It seems to me that you need some company. A goldfish is boring !

  11. I have a friend who had an Akita and he was vicious. Not so much to people but constantly fighting with other dogs.

  12. LETTUCE aye!

    GATTINA I have 2 aquariums and 1 empty cage but nothing in any of 'em!

    BAINO they really don't look like anything you'd want to mess with, do they! I don't know anyone who actually hss one, but a few people locally walk them. I want one so bad when i see them

  13. I like this post. It is happy. I like the Norwich also. Maybe an animal companion would be a good thing.


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