Wednesday, December 01, 2010


If they were human they might collect beer mugs or stamps

There are 20 types of bowerbird

They collect anything that catches their eye: beetles' wing cases, bottle-tops, even deer dung

They arrange these outside the bower to attract a mate

Some even "borrow" clothes pegs (colour-co-ordinated, of course)

Bowerbirds come from Northern Australia and New Guinea

Some more traditionally minded birds prefer flower petals and blossom to plastic implements



  1. fascinating! I didn't know about them. Interesting stuff that they gather.

  2. A couple of those birds seem to favor blue.

  3. maybe i was one in a past life!!

    I'd have gone for bottletops and clothespegs too

  4. Got to love their artistic qualities*!*

  5. What amazing colour coordination!

  6. Hi Gledwood,
    I went looking for Bower bird photos and found your blog. I was interested in the satin bowerbird collecting yellow flowers and arranging them amongst the blue objects. I wonder if that is for contrast to make the blue seem more vivid? Fascinating birds!

    Great blog! Love your hamsters! ^ ^

    I wish you all the best on your difficult and challenging journey. Remember everyone is struggling with something, so you are more normal than you may think.
    Doctors like diagnosing disorders and prescribing medications. keep looking for what works, keep questioning, keep an open mind, and most importantly keep moving forwards.
    It is the brave soul who walks the difficult path, and the rewards of life experience are worth it!

    For stabilising, cut out as much as you can. Sugar, junk food, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes. Each one of those messes with your chemistry.
    Get good sleep! (Talking to myself there!)
    Take yourself on walks in nature, reconnect.
    Meditate, there are lots of places that do free classes, find one, you wont regret it!!

    Also, don't be so hard on yourself. Look at how far you have traveled, what you've done, what you've learned, you are amazing and you deserve to love yourself.
    The outside world is a reflection of the inner world. Make peace with yourself and see peace around you.
    Best Wishes, Ali. xo


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