Saturday, December 18, 2010



A KIWI is a fruit containing several times the vitamin C of most citrus fruits

KIWIS are the national bird of New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND, where the Lord of the Rings was filmed

KIWI BIRDS are flightless and feature the characteristic huge beak

KIWIS are shy and retiring. They like hiding in hollow treetrunks and here they build their nests

PROVIDED they're not shot at, chased or otherwise treated cruelly, they can get very tame

THE little Kiwi chooks are well known for being vicious and evil. Here's a police photo of one just before it was arrested for pecking to death 3 young kids in a primary school playground....

... AND IF YOU BELIEVE THAT you really will believe anything!



  1. Hi...check out your kiwi's!

    Am off to bed (work 2morro) but just thought I'd say a quick goodnight....

    ...And totally...catch all those golden nuggets of truth from nutter club & share with us!

    I want to reply to your comment from yesterday but I really need to go to bed or I risk oversleeping again!....I'll email you or something equally sociable!

    ....night night...


  2. To catch more golden chicken nuggets I'll have to go McDonalds or KFC or back to NuttynutClub. Woudl rather go back to Nuttynutclub than KFC any day. Processed food makes me feel ill. Not that I don't eat half of Iceland and the Chinese takeaway each week. I eat about x5 more Chinese food now I'm not on gear. Dunno why. It fills a void with gack, I spose.

    Take it eazzzy. Lemon squeazy. Morrisons own Lemon Squeazy washing up is only 55p, so get to Morrisons.

  3. dammit! i fell for this post too! i hadn't even read it yet when i posted my last comment! i was like hmmm, is that why the Aussies call the New Zealanders "kiwi"?? well? why DO they anyway? the australians i know are always on about having rivalry with the british, and vice versa. same with the people of new zealand, who refer to the former as "ozzies" and such. i do not know what names are called between you all and the australians, but i'll bet there are some!

    maybe it's like the canadians and us... americans always act like there is some great rivalry between us and the good people north of the border... they refer them as canucks and other stuff. maybe they also call us names, but i've never been slandered by a canadian person. it seems to me that americans only THINK there's a rivalry, while canadians have many more important things to think about than citizens of the u.s. ... like the fact that they have candy bars called "kit kat crunch" and we DON'T (i learned of this deficiency in my country of origin just yesterday while viewing a canadian tv advert).

    what kind of bird IS that anyway if it's not called a kiwi?

  4. re your comment here... when you say you eat half of iceland, what the hell does that mean? do they have icelandic takeout there? i feel so sheltered and stupid suddenly. this blog is banned from now on. (i kid!)

  5. Iceland! I keep forgetting it's a supermarket where everything's a ready meal and you can also get frozen veg, chips (fries) and cheesecakes etc. That's my obsession with Iceland. It's good cooking done for ya! (Though most people could probably do better if they tried, I shouldn't mention that tho).

    Aussie names for Brits: Poms (I don't know whether this is to do with apples, I always thought it was though). Whingeing Poms, because Brits love complaining.

    I can't think of any disparaging name for an Australian off the top of my head. The connexion between Australia and Britain is that most Aussies have British ancestry, so when cheap international calls are offered, Australia is the country mentioned first, before America or Canada. I could have been born Australian btw. Adelaide!!

    As far as I know Kiwis (New Zealanders) are named after the bird, and the bird is the national emblem of New Zealand. When I first encountered Kiwi fruit aged about 12 it was called a Chinese Gooseberry! I think Kiwi was considered an easier, more marketable name

    O yeah Valerie. She gets everywhere. She's in jail in Sydney. 700kgs finest A grade heroin from Burma were impounded after her indiscreet email to Anna. Now she's selling her blue diamond to pay bribe money!

  6. Hello! I am here visiting. Your life is quite different from mine, I must say but I like your writing.
    I'm glad you have this voice. I am glad to meet you.

  7. Ms Moon: your name seems awfully familiar... I couldn't say I've never dropped by before. i know I came on a random blog-hop. That is jumping into comments from a friends blog and via commens from there from there from there and so on.

    I'm off the CRAP for now. I could never say never. And if I ever went on I'd just say. But I haven't the slightest intention of ever going back ever ever again. Fucking waste of space shit. No not me, the heroin!!

    (Whatever I am, that's for you to decide ;->...)

  8. I love Kiwi fruit, I have one every day! :)

  9. Every single day?? You're well organized. I just eat a load at once!!

  10. Delightful, my fried. I think I want to cuddle a Kiwi bird.

  11. Dear Gleds ~~ Thanks for your message.I am so sorry you have had to go through all that and have a nervous breakdown as well. But it sounds like the worst is over and hopefully it will get a little easier with time
    Congrats on 2 weeks, I always knew you could and would do it and I am so proud of you. No more suicide talk.You have too much to live for. Maybe get back to writing your books again or travel and become an interpreter or so many other things. This is after you feel better. I am also proud to call you friend and you are an
    intelligent man and usually keep up with world events etc.
    Try to enjoy Christmas and be proud of your success so far. One day at a time. Take care my friend
    Love andBest Wishes from Shepparton, Victoria, Australia all
    the way to London. Merle.

  12. Hi

    Can you define your perception of a "nervous breakdown"? Also, when did this happen to you and how long did it take to recover?

  13. Nick: they're v tame aren't they! I thought they'd scurry away quickly before trusting anyone..!
    If I were a bird I wouldn't trust human beings!

    Merle: thank you very much. I'm getting back to this writing thing. I wrote one stupid story for children. I have to do more then I have a book

    Confused: I use that word for myself when I've suddenly gone into a very strange or desperate state.

    What happened last time was I realized I was hearing voices on Tuesday or Wednesday but thought it hilariously funny. I was still taking and on heroin so thought it was something to do with that. I had had enough and wanted to stop for good. I am on a methadone script. I had my last hit on Thursday? (if not then Wednesday) if I hit up anything on Friday it was just dregs and very weak.

    At the weekend (Friday) I woke up feeling very down and took 4 hours to get out of bed. I had to go to get the methadone. So I did this. Someone sent me an email and I was laughing my head off. So I thought I cannot be depressed. Not long later, in the evening I started hearing voices quite vividly. I went higher and faster and my head was flooded with imagery thoughts and voices, as well as voices I heard everywhere around me. On Saturday I had to collect methadone I was intensely paranoid, people were swearing at me in the street all the way there and back. The pharmacist was v quick giving the methadone which was good as I could not stay still. I got home again by reminding myself this was just paranoia, though it really didn't feel that way. It felt 100% real. I didn't sleep that night. Slept one hour on Sunday night. On Monday I was very anagry for a couple of hours, then very high, like on crack, for a few hours, then I crashed down and was extremely depressed then I was up again. I saw a psychiatrist on Thursday and I was still ranting. I felt very very weird for a good week afterwards. It took 10 days to wear off. I still don't feel properly OK now. The shrink says it might be drugs. I didn't know withdrawal could do that. I wasn't heroin sick though. I felt absolutely fine physically on the methadone. Previously I found methadone difficult because I was so depressed on it I just couldn't do any meaningful thing at all. Sat in a chair staring at TV.

    So that was the breakdown. I'm afraid stuff like that has happened before on antidepressants, on crack. I've also had depression on nothing. Heroin worked for me by flattening my mood for years. So I don't know what or whether anything else is going on but I do not think it's 100% drugs by any means... I don't know

  14. Confused: I meant to add "stuff like this happened before"... nowhere near as bad though! That was the all-time worst


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