Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is for Anna

ANNA GRACE POSTED ME A TUNE called Sink to the Bottom by Fountains of Wayne. It was highly appropriate. Here's my reply:~

Mine is not a highly original choice, but I love the tune, I love the sentiment and I love the video.

I've gone all night with no sleep. It wasn't deliberate. I was pottering about then I realized it was 7:15, then it was 8.59.

I hope you're all right Anna. I'm surviving. I can't say whether I'm good or bad, I'm in between :-)




  1. Great song for Anna:)
    I'm in terrible pain today after shoveling the driveway & sidewalk of 2' of snow.
    I can't move my neck and everything hurts.

  2. I hope you get well soon.

    With or without hard opiates.

    You know if they'd only bought up the Afghan poppy harvest those THOUSANDS of people in Haiti and elsewhere wouldn't be lying in hospital with no pain medication whatsoever. Governments are such bastards.

  3. Yeah, you're right.
    I feel better now with just ibuprofen. I have percs & vicodin in my cabinet ,but I never take anything unless the pain is excruciating..

  4. Take some Percs and Vicodin go on! I don't know what Percocet or Vicodin actually are but they sound OK... though I do remember taking 2 Vicodin when I was withdrawing from a baby habit and they did NOTHING to make me feel better. Eventually we found some DFs (dihydrocodeine) and this held me right into the next afternoon (on severe heroin addiction I'd have felt nothing from these, if I felt anything they'd wear off within 4 hours). O I shouldn't incite anyone to use drugs even if I'm joking. Ibuprofen's supposedly the best OTC pain meds you can get. You know the original discoverer used 600mg for a headache. I found that out. The optimum dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen is 50% more than that on the packet so that's what I take. it's my body, in my view taking a noxious chemical and it STILL not working is the worst of both worlds so take a full-on dose or don't dose at all! That's my personal view. Anyone who exceeds stated doses might die so just remember that kiddos

  5. Great song. R.E.M. is good.

  6. I posted up the other one, Losing My Religion. The official video's not that good in my view so I posted up somebody's home made version


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