Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Dodgy Chinese/Ghost

I HAD HEARD staff-members at record shops could be a bit sniffy according to what you bought. I never had that problem with Sly and the Family Stone limited edition CDs or even years back with my Ultimate Rave/Reactivate II compilations. Maybe I was in a touchy mood, but I did appear to notice a slight smirk cross Mr Dweeb-Glasses' poker-face when I handed over my £3 for Whoopi Goldberg/Patric Swayze/Demi Moore in Ghost!

I took it home and watched it. I know this is old hat to y'all but I've never actually owned one of these DVD machines before. I was amazed how superior the picture was to video.

Then I glanced through Further Options and saw I could have Ghost speak to me in German. So that's what I did today. Watched Ghost in German and followed nearly all of it!

(Big wow, considering how terrible my German was just over a year ago...)


I also went to NA. Crowded out. Heard the life story at the beginning, which is called the chair. Couldn't sit still longer than that. Had to go out for a cigarette and a walk home.

Majorly sweaty palms; hearing voices but the antipsychotics block most of that out.


I bought a horrible dodgy undercooked Chinese chicken curry mix vegetable fry rice. Not going there again. Nearly raw onions. Chicken too soft. Microwaved the second half; instincts say don't eat it. I'm saving a sample (not reheated) in case I get ill. So I could prove what caused it. I've never in my life reported a restaurant or takeaway and I don't intend to start now. I wish they'd just cooked the food properly. Ruined my favourite meal. Nearly £8 down the drain...


Here's a poem I started writing years ago. I still remember it in my head. I only have one stanza and a bit I'm afraid. It recalls me staring into the River Thames from a boat and seeing fantastical shapes in the shimmering water:~~

Glance and gleam the fishes in the sky,
sun has streamed them the strong river's course,
one by one they wink into my eye,
mud-and-blue flashes of fish-force,
darting each rippling willow between ...






i nearly cried when watching this. y'all know a big cry baby like me would just fess up if i did actually weep, but i didn't. that was a close nearly though. i love things that take you away from ordinary reality; things that are sublime


Illustrated: pottery scene from Ghost starring David Hasselhof and British comedian Allan Car; hopefully not a countdown to being sick on that Chinese ..(!)


  1. Wow - your Chinese take-out is expensive! But then I think all your restaurant food costs more than here (and in the States it's even cheaper). For the longest time, most dishes at the Chinese or Thai were about $8.50 but there was enough to feed two people - they recently went up to about $10 average.

  2. At lunchtime you can get a one-container box for £3 to £4.50 that serves one and is really nice.

    I usually get one container chicken curry and one container vegetable fry rice they'd cost about £3.50 each; egg fry rice would be about £2.20 so the whole thing's about £6 then.

    Yeah so three containers would cost about £10 ~ "same" as your $10 except 60% more expensive!

    Also we don't get those fancy waxed containers I've seen on television; ours is in microwave plastic or thick foil with wax-card top. The foil makes it taste nicer as it looks tackier and less environmental!

  3. ... what am I saying. Sounding like a liar, as usual by leaving out info.

    Yeah this one WAS nearly £8 because I had to walk through a middle class area en route to my bus stop. They had hiked up prices as high as they thought they'd go.

    LOADS of yummy trashy MSG in there though. I do thank them for that. Love a good MSG fix, me!

  4. Just catching back up with you. Hope that you don't get sick. Those bad Chinese places are rumored to kill cats and use them as meat. Can't stomach the thought.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We once got chicken we were convinced was crow, in the early 80s such rumours were rife. I once got really sick off a Doner Kebab. Having turned round and round under indirect heat for days on end, I'm not surprised it went toxic~~!


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