IT'S 10 to midnight. I slept a few hours and woke up, finally, with a bit of calm! The following was written five hours earlier:
LET ME TRY and give a less winky-dink expression of today's goings-on than that bunch of crap you see one post below.
I went to my appointment today. Tomorrow I have one at the Psychiatrist rather than the Nutter Club. Unfortunately they crash but I had scheduling problems due to a computer error and I must take the time offered.
Naomi [the dual diagnosis lady] phoned me just now and pointed out he is a Consultant and so timewise finds himself practically meeting appointments pretty much when he is and isn't allowed to use the loo. It gets that bad!
If I were a doctor I'd be a Consultant Neurologist (never a psychiatrist: too headfucking that one. People with schizophrenia and bipolar ranting at me half the day and then the other 50% pf patients not wanting to speak. No thanks. Neurology patients usually can speak pretty fluently unless they're comatose in which case the checks and charts do the talking for them.
Now my own head is babbling away. I have Racing Thoughts or a Flight of Ideas. Like little tubbie birdies thrumming from one bird table to another. Now they're in the birdbath. Splish splash splosh. And they're blue tits. My favourite British Garden Birdies. Ask another British person if you don't believe about Blue Tits, They're beautiful..
OK back to midnight: my flight of ideas is safely in its nest boxes, has refrained from chirping and is looking forward to perching upside down tomorrow morning on the feeder.
I think what was wrong earlier was a long day and me just wanting to be home, crossed with the necessity to do endless little things that just got in the way when I was tired and wanted to unwind and the upshot was manic paranoia from which it takes hours to calm down. Naomi was very helpful. She just happened to phone right in the middle. I wasn't "going off on one" in a big way. No ranting. No talking nonsense. She knows how thin the line is between appearing to cope and not coping at all. That's why I like her.
She told me to focus on myself at tomorrow's doctor appointment and not my surrounding issues because other professionals are dealing with those.
All I would need say re today, if that came up, would be "I felt paranoid on the bus, like people were talking about me, so I got off earlier than I would have".
If I were a regular smoker of cannabis or crack I wouldn't be surprised to feel the way I do, but I gave up both. Cannabis went years ago, crack went two years ago (with a handful of lapses). My drugs workers at the time assured me my problems with paranoia and depression (that were only ever eluded to, nobody ever asked about them in any detail, so I never told in any detail) they assured me these problems would vanish in a puff of cocaine smoke. And yet they haven't. Shortly after giving up I realized a common cold had brought a strange return of paranoia and ibbly-bibbly weirdness. And that was a common cold! About 2 years ago.
Well crack has well and truly gone. The last time I used heroin it did nothing for me. Cannabis is a non-issue (never touch it). Uppers I don't go near. Hallucinogens or psychedelics I gave up entirely a decade ago. These had never been a big huge deal though they made a big huge impression on me whenever they were taken. So all these drugs have gone and I am doing all the Right Things I ought to be doing.
Surely I shall see some Fruits of my Labours soon..?
Bluetit playtime in Amsterdam!
Illustrated: blue tits and a Ancient Egyptian space alien ...
THIS is an A1 description of "racing thoughts"...
Doing well
I'm surprised nobody guessed. That's me, the little timid one squashed up
in the middle.
* * * * *
I thought Johnson and the Tories were bad enough bu...
12 hours ago
I really hope that you do get some reward from what you have achieved, which must have been incredibly hard.
I totally agree with you on not being a psychiatrist, I would hate to be mine having to listen to me and probably another hundred people like me!
i think psychiatrists must find it v hard to distinguish one patient from another until they really know them. depending on where you went you got either someone passing through on psych training or else someone else you were unlikely to see twice! now i've got a consultant. i had no idea he was the senior guy in the place but could see the minute i 1st set eyes on him that he was a good dr. so i'm really glad. today i'm asking for a diagnosis or a tentative one and i'm dreading what he might say.
Thanks for stopping by my place here in blog-world...Yes, being a "Gleek" means I'm practically a slave to Glee...
I read your latest post and immediately clicked the "follow" tab...While I won't pretend to know what you go through on a daily basis, not will I sit here and pretend that I can relate to some of your issues...I like your honestly and frankness. You're "raw" & real....and that I can relate to.
Hope to converse more with you in the future.
The post title made my day. A Flight of Blue Tits! Yes, I am immature. Whatever.
I love you Gleds!
I think you just like saying blue tits. Kinda like purple nurple. I am just as mature as SB ;)
I like your analogy with blue tits. Go Gleds.
I love the tiny tits. They live everywhere from here to Japan (at least Great Tits do, which are like bigger slightly less colourful blue tits...)
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