Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tonight at NA

I WENT TO NA TONIGHT. I WILL KEEP COMING BACK. And no I do NOT think it an American cult, Jess! I know I'm repeating myself but you must have misread my quoting other people as my opinion. I never have considered NA or AA an "American cult". Antiamericanism wrankles with me and the "cult" accusation is true only in the sense you pointed out.

No offence was ever intended, Jess. It was you who reminded of the Serenity Prayer (which I miss, due to Group Hug Aversion):~~

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the Courage to change the things I can
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

My focus is on the Courage to change the things I can. I think I have a pretty good handle on the Wisdom to know the difference.

But what NA have that I really haven't got is Serenity. That is what I come to NA for. That's why I keep coming back. I want a piece of this amazing Serenity they all seem to have ...



INSTEAD OF 2 TEX MEX PIZZAS and two familiy steak pies for £7
I went DVD shopping in the supermarket instead and got Gladiaotr for £4,
D Day the 6th of June for £3 and just one pie for £2.69 (2 for £4 but I'd rather get the films before some other bastard runs off with them!). I'm watching D Day in German. I love this multilingual opiton it's highly convenient. Especially if you set it to German subtitles to read anything you don't catch. Or German soundtrack English subtitles for the lazy!

Hey I've just altered it to German speech, English "Untertitel". Because lazy is what I am!! D Day is in lovely full colour. Unlike my budget war films.

I was watching Gladiator earlier but that's only in English, and 2 languages I can't follow (Spanish, Italian). So I want to save it until I'm in the mood for Gladiatorial entertainment.


  1. I want you to know that I am here hoping peace for you, whatever that means.

  2. NA means Narcotics anonymous and AA Alcoholics Anonymous for those who don't know.

    Maybe you should have explained it !

    I don't think that you went to an American Airlines meeting or to a metting about Sodium (Na)but you can still say so !
    I only hope that you will continue ! Mr. Rollercoaster !

  3. I appreciate the clarification. I apologize for my misunderstanding the comments. It wasn't you, I obviously misread what you wrote.


    Sounds like you're starting to get a sort-of understanding of what working through the direction of the steps can do. Truth is I think you still have it a bit skewed. The idea is to give up all drugs (alcohol and all other mind altering chemicals) I'm not sure NA or AA ever intended you to pick and choose what stays and what goes in the personal chemistry realm, the point is to realize you've no control over any of it.

    You don't have to miss serenity prayer, just step outside the room and as you listen to the prayer say it yourself along with the group. If the meetings are anything like ours, you'll be able to hear it just fine.

    After a while, you'll find the needed courage comes with willingness to take these small steps toward the group, like showing up early, offering to assist making coffee (which also is a great way to keep busy as the prayers are being said).

    The serenity comes with the decision that you really cannot do it on your own and accepting help from a sponsor (trusted servant of the program) who can help guide and direct you through the steps :)

    The best results come from compliance without debate. :)

    Keep going Gled! I know that you, like all of us, have the capacity to grow and change!!! :)


  4. Gleds, glad that you are going. Jess, as usual, is spot on. Serenity comes from within, and from self-acceptance, and helping others. Baby steps will get you there. Just a few baby steps.

  5. If you find serenity, let us know what it is.

  6. I really need to get to a meeting, im struggling staying clean, I havent been for years, it helped when I cleaned up a few years back, I just always find going to a meeting really intimidating, the old timers seem to forget how scary it can be for a newcomer... sometimes you dont even get a hello, which may sound silly, but when your feeling really vuneravble anyway it doesnt help.

    Maybe I should go to a newcomers meeting...


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