Saturday, March 05, 2011



In Germany it's known as Overwintering...

... dormice do it ...

... beautiful humans do it ...




  1. Hey Babe,
    Your so wonderfull. I just love reading your blog. I feel like I know you inside and out. Except for the fact I've never seen you.
    BTW, why do I always hear a da da daa when I am reading your blog?

    I so want to meet you. Prehaps you could take a vacation to Hawaii this winter. Perhaps its beyond your means, but if your off dope, you should be able to save up lots of quid.

    Please be my best friend. I'm desperate. I haven't been able to read your blog for three days. When I first got to Yuma I wasn't getting a signal from my blackberry and couldn't log onto the internet. I was craving me some Gledwood.

    I want you to know no matter what I'm always rooting for you. Your an amazing, funny, sweet, crazy(litterly)and (figuratively)

    I wish they had spell check on comments. My stupidity shows through when I comment.

    You should start a twitter account so I can follow you through everything you do. YOu can update me every few hours. Wait you need a smart phone for that. You can still get a twitter account, but you can't update when your away from your computer.

    I left a song for you on my blog.

    Lots of Love to you Gledwood.
    Anna Grace Young

  2. I dont know how to do twitter..! Can I blog here via twitter? Or vice versa? My punctuation is terrible and my spelling is vile and terrible you don't know honestly. Also my keys got hair under them so they stick terrible.

    You ARE my best friend already. Cmon you knew that.

    I didn't think I was crazy until the dr told me I was crazy, there is no border you go over with passport control and a snakeheaded woman on the stamp with 30 pairs of eyes staring at you saying WELCOME TO CRAZYLAND if there were I would have known when I crossed over as it is I strayed there now and then I only knew I was crazy when my head went so fast it went ark ark ark kaa aaaa aaaa, like I said akh why

    da da dah is the sound of my music and the sound of my head so that's why you hear it, see what I mean about psychic powers

    have you ever met someone with manic bipolar and felt the manic energy come off them? I have and you can literally feel it like heat from a fire... that was before heroin though I was far more psychically aware off heroin rather before heroin, heroin is a psychic blocker for sure

    come back from Yuma. one question: is it yummy in Yuma? makes me wonder ...(!)

  3. I hope that you have a good one too!


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