Thursday, April 14, 2011

We've all got bipolar

CATHERINE ZETA JONES has just been released from a Connecticut mental clinic suffering from type 2 bipolar disorder. Type 2 bipolar is the milder form of the illness where severe depression alternates with mild mania and there are no "psychotic features". The illness is said to have been broughton by the stress of her husband, Michael Douglas's throat cancer. Get well soon, Zeta!


  1. i got diagnosed with bi-polar 2 like 5 years ago, originally and for a few years my doctor thought i was just depressed but after carefully looking at all the symptoms realizsed im actually bipolar, my meds (zyprexa) anti psychotic meds work wonder for me, im so glad i can most of the time feel normal, the best part is that when i get depressed i dont get suicidal, or have manic episodes where i want to stab people in the face.

    i hope all is well with you gleds, and that the meds will help you!!!!!

    kiss kiss hugs hugs

    ps loves the rabbit eating a carrot, it made me laugh

  2. ooh, her parents live just down the road from us. Sort of.

    Can it be brought on by stress? Maybe it's just brought out.

  3. I heard this about KZJ this morning on the news. Just goes to show even the rich and famous aren't immune eh?

  4. My doctor told me I likely am bipolar. You're right, we've all got that shit.

    Love you!

  5. Sweden: I know I remember you posting when you felt shit. You spend a lot of money on meds don't you. I hope you're all right now

    Liz: stress is the trigger not the cause. Only one person in a hundred or so ever becomes truly manic and a bigger percentage become hypomanic (mildly manic). Hypomania is the signature symptom of bipolar II disorder. Everything I've read on the subject says that this is a genetically transmitted disorder; in identical twins the chance of one twin having bipolar and the other twin having it too is 50%. Same goes for schizoaffective. I'm really not sure I am actually schizoaffective. If I'm not then I'm type 1 bipolar. Bipolar 1 and schizoaffective have nearly identical symptoms and the treatments are exactly the same so it doesn't really matter what it's called

    Akelamalu: absolutely!

    SB: if you're bipolar you need to be careful taking antidepressants, they can send you off into a manic episode!

  6. I herd the news today too. Makes me feel not alone. You make me feel not alone.

    I scored some H, good stuff. Although it is black tar its very pure. So my mood is stable right now. I had to fix in my juggular though. Dangerous, I know.

    Drugs are bad, but they sure make you feel good.

  7. I’m floored to read about this. I curiously looked up Bipolar II after reading this and the previous blog posts and I am recognizing the symptoms in someone I love. I didn’t know there was a diagnosis outside of depression for non-psychotic not-uber-manic behavior. Thank you so much Ms. Zeta-Jones for going public with your struggle and babble for covering it!

  8. CAREN: I'm glad I'm not the only person it stabilizes. Clinic won't admit self-medication is real medication. Wikipedia says some sorts of depression are best treated with opiates/opioids
    but of course the rest of medicine won't listen. I hope you're OK.

    ATLANTA: I had bipolar symptoms for years but they were mild (the highs were, not the lows, the lows I had nearly all the time)... I got high of antidepressants and said nothing at the time, then when I did fess up nobody did anything about my condition until I was so manic I was being offered hospital admission. It's all fucked up. I'd advise your friend to get help soon if they feel they need it. Better to get help while you have symptoms then you'll get believed. Instead of waiting for it to fuck your life up and then maybe it's too late to repair some of that damage


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